Thursday, January 24, 2008


Child birth is like collecting honey from ajungle tree.WE HAVE TO TOLERATE IF BITTEN BY HONEY BEES. Similarly immediately after the delivery of the child,the mother's joy is boundless,but to enjoy the fruit of labour,she has to bear certain pains,discomforts,etc.
a)Keep taking food in very small quantities,every 15 mts..Dont take break fast in one stretch.Take 1/4 iddly or 1/4 slice of bread every 15 mts
b)take fried vegetablesas salad(no oil please),mixed withskin of citrous fruits-lime,orange.(AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBTETRICS &GYNECOLOGY)
C)add ginger 1-2 gms dailyfor 4-5 days only.
2) To avoid stretch marks in pregnancy.
Start applying vit E capsone once daily(umbillicus to hip level) &butter in the evening daily on the same spot,till pregnancy is over.This is for prevention only.NO effect on previous scars.
3)To avoid belly protrusion.(post delivery)
a)Eat 50 % less but nutrtious with more protien
b)avoid all oils/ghee/fats/n.v items excepteggs, fish.
No large quantity of food at a time.
d)dont eat rice in the morning
e)physical excercise:sit on the floor with legs stretched in front.lean forwards &touch grat toes,&backwards with hand support.start 20 times morning evening.This will dissolve abdominal fat&increase abdominal muscle tone.
f)abdominal binder at all times except during sleep.
g)measure abdominal girth in centimters &keep the records daily once.Suppose the binder is placed at 100cm today(length of abdominal circumference.Keep reducing 1 cm of the binder length every week &proceed till you can tolerate without discomfort.
If all the above tips are put into practicemeticulously ,there is no failure.
when the vomiting of pregnancy is uncontrollabe despite all measures,peple get depressed. some people will advice powerful anti emeticsor tranquilisers available over the counter (india)It may do more harm to developing embryoDo all permutations &combinations as outlined above.This is not a disease,but the body's reactionto the growth of a foriegn body inside(foetus)

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