Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Introduction:All women who delivered a child invariably makes a complaint thus:"I have insufficient milk to feed my child" or "my baby is having an aversion to breast.He simply turns his face away"Scientists have proven from time to time that these statements are not true.Many mothers expect that breast milk must flow just like bottle milk.THEY OFTEN FORGET THAT BOTTLE IS LIFELESS &BREASTS ARE FULL OF LIFE involving complex mechanism .Those women who are calm quiet,docile type dont encounter such problem.Though the milk may flow from the breasts the switch board to put it on or off is in the brain(hypothalamus).For the first three days or so there is consentrated milk flow(colostrum)(seempaal in tamil)This is highly nutritious &contains lot of materials(gama globulins) that helps to defend the neonates against any harmful germs,and a substance todefend against neonatal diarrhoea(bifidus facter).Apart from cholostrum there will be lot of mucous in the milk ducts causing obstruction.So milk flow insufficiency is very commonin the first week, besides other causes listed below:
1)lack of nutricious(protien) diet
3)EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES(anger, easy excitability
4)lack of calm quiet peacefuldark,plasant atmosphere&environement(leave alone mother-in-law problem!)Breast feeding is a tecknic all nursing mother should learnfroma quqlified lady doctor systamatically.The custom in tamilnadu is to give white shark fish(paal sura)(sura puttu)
for nursing mothers to improve or increase milk production.W heather it is true or not it is good for all non vegitarians as it is a good protiencan help produce milk."If there is a will there is milk allways" is a medical dictum.Baby may develope an aversion under the following circumstances.
1)sweat smell from mother's axilla
2)unchanged blouse
3)wet diaper.
4)lack of slight manual breast compression by mother while nursing
5)illness like fever constipation, or any physical irrtationin baby.
6)developing breast abscess due to milk duct obstruction.
MILK PRODUCTION IS GOVERNED BY HORMONES.ONCE MILK IS SECRETED IN THE LACTIFEROUS GLANDS,it should flow throughducts,into the nipple&this is controlled by brain for initiating a "let down"reflex for milk to flow freely when the "key opens the lock"at the brain level.The key will open the lock only if the child sucks,sending message to brain to open the lock.So the initiating nervous reflex to let the milk down takes place thus:child sucks--message transmission to hypothalamus--hypothalamus sends message to breasts to allow the milk to flow.

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