Sunday, February 24, 2008



Though this is a first aid home treatment for your kids,some of them are suitable to adults also.PLEASE note that this is not a treatment guide for your child's medical problems,BUT ONLY a first aid management at critical times.All drugs named here should be used only for ONE DOSE ONLY& visit doctor at earliest oppertunity.
If a child gets fever at 10 pm one can not wait till morning.If fever is not controlled he may throw a fit.Or suppose,you are urgently moving with your family from one place to another 300 km,your family member gets a vomiting,diarrhoea,acidity,or abdominal pain discomfort,anxiety,what will you do?Or while at home your child swallows few tablets of adults(like anti-diabetic /blood pressure reducing.)what will you do?So it becomes necessary for all mothers to know certain first aid treatment.It is with this hope the following is written& to be practiced only at a critical situation& non availability of doctor for quick help.

All drugs,can be given as per this schedule.Dose of any adult tablet for children can be given thus.--New born-1/10,6 months-1/6.,1-3 yrs--1/4.,5 yrs-1/2,.10 yrs-1.,
Syrup;New born-5-9 drops.,6 months-1/2tsp.,1-3 yrs--3/4 tsp.,5 yrs--1-2 tsp.
PLEASE remember the above is for single dose only.consult doctor for subsequent dose.

1)FEVER:101.F is significant.Tepid?ice sponging is enough.In very high fever,ice at axilla,groin soles will be required.Doctor will find cause &treat may use tab/syrup paracetamol
6 months-1/6tab/1/2 tsp.5yrs-1/2 tab..1 tsp.
2)VOMITING:2-3 vomitings significant Ideal treatment-I V Fluids at hospital.or else, tab domperidol,mixed in honey.No feeds for 8 hrs.If vomiting occurs 2 hrs after tab,,go to hospital as emergency.
3)Jaundice:Dangerous during first 3 days of neonatal life.Admit as emergencyfor other jaundice also go to doctor.Dont trust KEELANELLI leaf extract,or any other siddha ayurveda or other herbal treatments.Jaundice after 15 days can be due to surgical congenital cause,if with clay white stools.Jaundice in an unimmunised child at any age could be due to virus infection.Blood test necessary.
4)Diarrhoea:One loose large watery motion needs admission in hospital.3 such motions is often dangerous,unless iv fluid treatment given.Very risky upto age 2 yrsMaximum death rate in this age group.So any home treatment is not advisible.
May try tab lopramideafter 6 months of age.Diarrhoea should stop within 2 hrs.STOP THE FOLLOWING:a)any oral feed b)milk--mothers,/cow's.c)electrolyte powder.d)sweets. e)tender coconut water.If no associated vomiting may try rice water after 2 hrs of lopramide,in small frequent feeds(100 ml/kg /day)
5)Fits:Signifies ,irritation to brain.Needs immediate admission as emergency.Do not put the child in sitting position..put the child lying,face turned to one side&keep a spoon betweenupper 7lower molar teeth,to avoid tongue bite.SUCK OUT MOUTH SECRETIONS.If conscious you can give one tab of Diazapam,orGardinal,especially if he is already a known case of fits.Dont give keys or iron in the hands because it is unscientific.
6)Febrile fits:Fits occuring only during fever episodes in certain children,aged 6months to 6 yrs.Once fever is controlled,fits usually subsides &never reccurs if continuous tepid/ice sponging alone is sufficiently givenIt is necessary that a doctor should rule out it is not brain infection by clinical/ csf exam..A (30 mg-for 10 kgdose of phenobarb(gardinal)(30 mg for 10 kg ,&60 mg for 20 kg child) may be given.
7)Rigor(chills)Abnormal body temperature meckanism as if thermostate function is out of order,
in the brain..Put on a warmer,or heater fan.cover body with blankets.Apply hot water bottle 1--2 is the best.In 10 mts there will be total relief.If not controlled adeqately,give Tab Avil+ dexamethasone.Take him to hospital if no relief within 1 hour.
8)'stomach' pain: If there is no vomiting or diarrhoea,give antacid tabs-3Wait for 15 mts.If no relief ,tab Raftase/CYCLOPAM,WHICH IS GOOD FOR ALL PAINS,INCLUDING MENSTRUAL
DISORDER DIS MENNORRHOEA,OVULATIONPAIN(pain 15 days after menses) kidney stones(Beralgan-drops-tabs)
9)URETHRITIS (Burning micturition).child cries while passing urine,&puts hands over the genitaia & scratches.children above 5 can clearly communicate.give frequent water&tab pyridium,which imparts a brownish red colour to urine.pain disappears in 30 mts like butter on a frying pan.
10)Ear pain:Otogesic/Otec ac/candidwith local anaesthetic drops..Can take one Paracetamol+brufen.
11)foriegn body Eye: Sudden & continuous irritation of Eye.Go to eye specialist immediately.dont try your own treatment.If at night go to government eye hospital Egmore chennai for 24 hr service.
12)Foriegn body-Nose/Ears.:Go to doctor or childrens hospital egmore chennai(24 hrs)
13)accidental poisoning:Children taking blood pressure/diabetes drugs of elders,or any other poisonous substances.If child is CONSCIOUS only,induce vomiting by giving 100- 200 ml of saturated solution of common salt(put salt more so that there is a deposit at the bottom of the vessel.specific antidote can be given at hos pitalIf child is unconscious take him to hospital in LYING POSITION.
14)CHEST PAIN :(Adults above 40 yrs)Left or rt.sidedor central,with or without sweating or reflected to left shoulder or left jaw;Gelusil 3 tabs +1 tab aspirin150 mg,swallowed.1 tab sorbitrate 5 mg kept under tongue.
15)Burns/scalds:Put ice pack all over affected part.sedate ,if pain is severe. tab diazapam1-2 as per age.(5 mg .tab.)
16)SEVERE ITCHING;IN ANY PART OF THE BODY,OR GENERALISED ALL OVER WITH RASHES,?PATCHY THICKENED SKIN(URTICARIA).THE MORE ONE SCRATCHES THE MORE WILL BE ITCHING SENSE: Take tab AVIL+dexamethasone.Flucort ointment for external use if the affected part is very small.If genaralised go to hospital streight.
17)Breath holding spell :Some young children when they cry end up in compleat breathlessness,at the end of the cry&may turn blue.recovers by itslf.stimulate by cold /hot water on the palms/soles.dont give feeds.some times child may throw a fit due to lack of oxygen to brain.
18)Asthma.Not a sudden problem if taking proper medications.Keep a beclamethasone inhaler & give 1-2 puffs,in addition to usual drugs
19)Difficulty in breathing:Put the child in sitting position&not in lying positionDont give feeds when child is restless,till doctor sees.
20)coughing blood/vomiting blood:Emergency admission in hospital with blood transfusion fecility.dont give feeds.transport in sitting position forcough,&lying for vomiting.
21)Insect bites:Tab Avil+Dexamethasone.
Phenergan should be available in all homes&kept at height not reachable by kids.Good for:-
irritability,sleeplessness,asthma or any wheezing,allergy, coughs,rashes,vomiting,running nose ,pain any where in the body, any insect bite including scorpion sting.It is like Gold or King among the drugs for kids.
23)child's cry over 1-2 hrs:Depends on age &many other factors.There is no way to stop until the cause is foundNo harm to try phenergan syp.
24)Fall from a height:Effect depends upon height &the anatomical part touching the groundfirst.If there is no obvious external injury &if the child is conscious,but for a short cry of 5-10 mts,nothing much to worry.If child stops crying on its own it is good.If the cry is continuous ,take him to doctor.Let him decide.C-T Scan brain may be required if there is a blunt head injury.
25)Cuts/wounds/lacerations/fractures:Dont take any risk for head injuries.All city govt.hospitals equiped with Neuro centeres,for 24 hr service.
For any obvious fractures,or severe pain+inability to move any part:fold 1-2 pages of News paper as splint&keep it at center of deformed part&bandage along with the folded news paper,for immobilisation.
small cuts, lacerations:Clean it with dettol if possible,or apply sterile gause dressings(available in medical shop).INJ.TETANUS TOXOID CAN BE TAKEN LEISURLY.
Keep a first aid box to contain,dressings &all other medicines mentioned in this article(4 tabs in each variety)
It may be stressed that school children may be put to work for 1-2 hrs a week in a doctors clinic as a hobby or pastime so that he can not only learn how to practice first aid on demand when need arises,but also develope interest to become a doctor in later life that will be not only be useful to him but also to the community.
Keep the telephone numbers of the following written in the calender for ready reference;
Ambulance,nearest medical college hospital,fire,leading private hospitals,nearest doctor's clinic ,,residence,any small hospital for ambulance service only, poison controlcenter,casuality department of any big hospital.

Friday, February 22, 2008

C H I L D H O O D --O B E S I T Y .

Introduction:4- 5 decades backPediatricians were more conserned,with malnutrition(Kwashiorkor,Marasmus) management.Thoough it was essentially disorder of poverty, ignorance & illiteracy also played their parts..Now doctors very often see during examination of school children about 10% sufferining frim Obesity,&another 10% with overweight. This shows that there is no poverty now&litracy has done no contribution to stop Obesity in children. Ignorance level continues to be same.There seems to be little awareness about child's obesity & its attendant complications. For all disease &disorders prevention is the best. If diagnosed earlier,it is easily controllable &manageable.

Is your child chubby or obese?
1)what is obesity?Is it same like overweight?
Over weight means more weight for a perticular height.Obesity meansbeing more fatty +over weight,&is calculated as per Body Mass Index.
a)difficulty in breathing while walking ,or at rest.
b)difficulty in walking.
c)short life expectancy
d)diabetes mellitus-type II
e) heart disease.
h)stress urinary incontinence
i)lower quality of life.
j)high blood pressure
k)high blood cholesterol
l)sleep apnoea(cessation of breathingwhile sleeping)
K)osteo arthritis.
l)joint pain.
m)female reproductive health disorder.
3)How does BMI helps?.
Yes it does in many ways.There is a graph available(similar to road to health chart)with which a person's bmi CAN BE ASSESSED READILYby plotting height & weight to find out if a given person,belongs to following catagory for clinical assessment/treatment.
BMI-less than 17.5=malnutrition(anorexia nervosa)
BMI18.5--25 =optimal(normal)
BMIless than 18.5 =under weight.
BMI more than 25 =over weight
BMI more than 30 =obesity.
(All the above are applicable to children only)
4)Is it connected to endocrine problems?
Yes. The following endocrine disorders could be the cause for obesity.
a)Thyroid(blood test for T3 ,T4,TSH.)
5)When do we suspect endocrine problem when a child is obese?

If a child at any age upto 12 has any or many of thefollowing clinical problems it is a fitting case to be reffered to a pediatric endocrinologist:
a)polycystic overy.(scan -abdomen)
b)high cholestrol blood(blood lipid profile)
c)high blood pressure.
d)BP+abnormal potassium(serum electrolytes)
e)unusual stretch marks anywhere in the skin.
f)weight gain centered around abdomen+thin extrimities.
g)weight gain with aesy bruising.
h)weight gain without adequate food
i)irregular menses+ or _ abnormal hair growthj
j)if left untreated may have pregnancy related complications in adult life.

6)what is the treatment?
Find out &treat the cause.Every text book says diet +exercise.Any experienced physician over 40 yrs of service will agree upon only one treatment:50-70% weight lossoccurs only on BARIATRIC SURGERY.Diet &excercise are useless in todays concept,if obesity is labelled.
7)Is it preventable? When does it become identifiable?
To a great extant it is preventable if the root cause is diagnosed early.Like ,vaccine preventable diseases parents must take suitable steps to identify early&prevent obesity by appropriate means.
Few recommended steps:
a)well baby?well child health check ups--yearly once.
b)systamatic plotting of road to health chart,upto 12 years.
c)Alteration in eating habits must be watched(whether over eating too much NV items)
Auther's true relevent story.:
10 yr old female child weighing 80 kgs.On questioning about diet history, she said she will go to her fathers restaurent daily after school hours &eat fried chicken legs-6 pieces .Now the readers can tell the treatment.
d)once obesity is confirmed--surgery is the answer.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

About S M O K I N G.

ALSO WRITTEN FOR THE PARENTS of adolescent boys.Typically starts only in the adolescent age.Very few start after age 25.Majotity start after seeing a cinema where the villain often smokes..some think that they may look smarter &more presentable before girls.The fact is girls hate smoking.One elderly man told once,"If you want to start smoking,drinking etc start after 25.You will know the hazards &drawbacks behind it."One of the quick addiction forming habit.The drug Nicotine from tobaccostimulates the body to secrete more steroides which gives a false sense of strength,&a sense of well being.
plus points: nil.
Minus points:
1)prohibited in the office& public places.
2)poeple dislike this pungent odour.
3)Individual's reputation usually under estimated.
4)Damages the whole of respiratory pathway including lungs
5)Important cause of cancer.
6)Can cause blood vessel disease,blocking the blood flow to fingers &toes,resulting in the death &dissappearence of fingers &toes(Reynaurd's disease)
7)Considered an important cause of heart attck.
8)Causes sluggish bood flow to brain,due to increased bood viscosity.
9)Robs your putse.
10)May distract attentionwhile driving
11)Can cause fire accident in the car or house or any where
How to get rid of the habit?
Those who want to smoke or already smoking should do the following test&then decide whether to smoke or not.
Test:Take good puff of cigerette smoke ,hold the breath for a while&blow it over a paper or a hand kerchief close to mouth & see the effect.You will find a surprise.There will be hole in the paper or cloth .After seeing this let them decide.If one resorts to smoke after this test,it is short of commiting suicide--a psychological abberation.One wise man told"Cigerett is one ,with a fire at one end & a fool's mouth at the other"
Treatment:Same way like any de-addiction procedure with a qualified doctor.Best is careful supervision in the young age by parents& nip it in the bud itself.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

About A L C O H O L

"It provokes the desire, but takes away the performance"--WILLIAM SHAKESPERE.
If a person starts ttaking the habit of drinking alcohol ,in the adolescent age ,he is most likely to be come an addict.If he tastes it around 25yrs of age he could have controle over it.This philosophy is mostly truewith all bad habits.DRUGS like opium alkaloides ,once started ,that is the beginning as well as end & other norcotics once started will get awy only at one place--the graveyard .This is written for the parents of adolecent boys.
Alcohol-plus points.:(only in moderate quantity)
1)It increases appetite.
2)Gives a pleasurable sensation.
3)Gives a good sleep.
4)Provokes sexual desire.
Alcohol--minus points.
1)stomach&bowel ulcer.(constant severe stomach pain-unbearable)
2)Leather bottle stomach or beer drinkers stomach(stomach functions drastically drops down)
3)Liver cirrhosis(multiple scar tissue formation,leading to reduced function.
4)Increased blood pressure(never comes down)
5)Altered behaviour pattern.
6)Inability to do office work.
7)Inability to maintain good posture.
8)Early Diabetes,or aggravation of exhisting diabetes.
9)Tremor of fongers &hands.
10)Gives a false sense of belief,&false self confidence.May result in bad driving,leading to accidents or fighting with a person stronger than him,or commit a serious crime.After blood alcohol level comes down they realise that they were in a false world.
11)Addiction forming drug:After a certain stage (variable from person to person),he feels that he can not be without it.IF HE DOES SO ,HE WILL DEVELOPE,sleeplessness,subjective sensation of heart beats,fits,jitteriness tremors,psychological depression muscle crampsabdominal pain, suicidal tendency,etc, etc.Once he developes drug dependencyif alcohol is withdrwan,he will pose an unmanageblehome situation&suffer from Delerium tremons.The habit should be nipped in the bud itself by the parents or other responsible persons.If mother knows that there is an element of suspision in the boy"s behaviour ,she should not hide it from her husband.
12)Steals your money purse.
How to prevent alcoholism?
There are many ways.
Use of drugs;1)There is a drug called ANTABUSE.If taken 30 mts before alcohol,he will develope severe vomiting after alcohol consumption,that it leaves a wretched feeling &hatred towards alcohol.
2)Use of other sedative drugs by doctors,in the place of alcohol&slowly taper down &stop that drug.
3)Hypnotism:(brain washing)Psychological approach to make him accept to give up alcohol,by councelling.
4)After developing chronic alcoholism addiction is the rule.The one & only & the best wayis preventionEvery alcoholic should realise that he is going to be a potential addict,&he is going to develope,high BP diabetes,&liver damage.So HE SHOULD DEVELOPE A MODERATE habit
in the begining years of drinking itself.There are many who drink only on saterdays ,sundays for decades & nothinh bad happened to them.Their way of drinking is usually differentfrom many others .They take about 30 ml 200 ml of water &drink over a period of 45-60 mts,&not more than 2 drinksThey dont drink for the sake of" KICKS" It is meant for pleasure or elated mood,not for kicks.No morning or after noon drinkiong.No late night drinking.No drinking in the bar excapt at residence.No drinking with a group.Drinking should be done in a style,like "Hold the bottle by the neck,&hold a woman by the waist"These are some of the ways by which a man can avoid being a druncard,or an addict.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Children should participate in extra curricular activities like elocution contests,as it will give them self confidence.&a subjective assessment of themselves, for a healthy psychological state. This is written with the hope that parents might take this hint to help their children.

They should guide children continuously & encourage them.Parents, teachers, or well wishers must be in charge as a coach at all times.The following points must be physically checked while preparing a child for a competition.
  • Must talk boldly. This is very important because if the child is scared before the audience he will forget what to speak. The best way to get rid of fear complex is, to tell him that all the spectators in front are fools &that the child alone is intelligent.BETTER the child is taught to look into a mirror &say within his "heart" in his private room thus:"All those in front of me are fools".So the child when gets on stage speakers like this mentally before opening the mouth for a talk.
  • Must have several rehearsals.
  • Body language essential as per contents of speech.
  • VOICE MUST BE AUDIBLE &LOUD.No harm if the volume of sound is more than average.Child can speak 2-3 sentences &ask the audience whether they can hear.Beware the mick may fail due to electricity failure.
  • contents of speech:For example if the subject is related to the topic"THE TRUTH",speak about Harichandra a Hindu mythological hero or if it is "SACRIFICE", PEOPLE WHO MADE THE HIGHEST SACRIFICE BY NAME IS ESSENTIAL,LIKE VEERAPANDIA KATTABOMMAN
  • VOC, OR NEHRU FAMILY,should be mentioned.The child who uses the name of the best & famous personalities who are known for heroism,or valor alone wins the contest.
  • Better not to see the paper while talking.But under certain circumstances can look into the points.
  • Better to mix some humor in the form of a short story for people to laugh,&clap hands.
  • IF YOU FORGET BY CHANCE,THE NEXT POINT OF YOUR SPEECH,take out your hand kerchief & clean your face to recollect the forgotten point. not too fast. Let the audience hear each &every sentence of yours.
  • Add one or two quotations if possible.Books available for this purpose can be referred to.
  • Can start with a relevant "Thirukkural", first,&translate it into English. Continue other points latter.
  • Have a high level of will not miss points.
  • A coach is necessary,be it a teacher, or parent.
  • It should be stressed, that winning the prize is not the motto,but the spirit of participation is important,so that if the child does not win the contest ,he should not feel discouraged &loose his heart .This should be strongly advised before hand ,well in advance.
  • Some children may feel guilty as if they have made a big mistake.Tell them that failures are stepping stones to success.

Monday, February 11, 2008


This is a short script for enactment of drama suitable for children around 12 yrs of age.To enact any shakespear's work a minimum of 3 hrs required.This is mainly written for children under 12 only a selected scene ,considered as climax of the play is attempted here.& may last 15 mts on the stage.The word "ok ok"should be avoided by the actors as it was not in use in shakespear's era.Most of the sentences are in first person,like the usage in shakespear.Sentences made short for the sake of children.---AUTHER.
LADIES &GENTLEMEN,,YOU ARE GOING TO WATCH A SHORT PLAY OF SHEKESPERE'S MERCHANT OF VENICE NOW BY CHILDREN.The acters are:mr x ----as antonio,etc etc.William shakespere was born on 23 april 1564,in Statford - upon-Avon in England.He wrote on all subjects of human behaviour,after keen observation of his sorroundings.All his literary works will live as long as earth is alive.To him we respectfully dedicate this drama.
(Screen openswith a thunderous sound of a heavy water splashing& there is full darkness of the stage for 5 -7 seconds.This is only symbolic.The first film of merchant of venice in french started like this.)
charecter introduction:All charecters appear one by one &introduce themselves to the spectaters.
Shakespere:I am william shakespere.I am the auther of today's drama.I have written several tragedies &comedies.This is tragic-cum-comedy.There is a murder conspiracy by shylock.It ends up in comedy with portia &Bessanio joining together.
Antonio:I am Antonio,one of the richest merchant of venice.I have plenty of ships on the seas.
Bessanio is my bosom friend.I took loan from shylock to help my friend.
Bessanio:I am a frind of Antonio.I met a beautyful &rich lady portia whom Iwant to get married.As I dont have money I requested my friend ANTONIO to help me .
Shylock:I am a jew &money lender. I hate Antonio as he has insulted me on several accasions.
I am looking for opportunity to wreak vengence.
Portia:I am the daughter of a rich man from Venice.I am in love with Bessanio.I am going in diguise as a lawyer.I will argue in shylock's case in favour of Antonio.
Duke:Shylock's case is heared in my court.Iwill hear the arguements from both sides & give my judgement.

S C E N E -2
Bessanio: Oh Antonio, my bosom friend.I need your help.
Antonio:Oh! my friend tell me what can I do for you?
Bessanio:I love Portia,a rich &beautiful lady.I want to marry I need money from you.
Antonio:Dont worry.I will help you.I have no money now. so I will borrow money from Shylock
on loan.

S C E N E--3. S h y l o c k ' s Place.
Shylock:Oh! Antonio,Oh! Bessanio,What do you want?
Antonio: I need money.3000 Ducats.
Shylock:I GIVE MONEY FOR INTEREST.But in your case,I will not take any interest.I write in the bond one pound of flesh from a part of your body nearest to your heart, just for fun, in case you dont return the money in 3 months.
Bessanio:Antonio,Dont sign.dont take the risk.
Antonio: Dont you worry.MY SHIPS WILL RETURN NEXT MONTH.We can return the money.

S C E N E --4

Plaintiff :shylock.
Defendant's lawyer: Portia.

DUKE : Tell me shylock.what is your case?
Shylock: ThyGrace.Now 3 months over since I gave money to Antonio.Since the time is expired ,he should give me a pound of flesh,as per bond,signed by Antonio.+3000 ducats.
Duke: Antonio what do you say?
Antonio:. My lawyer will speak for me.
Portia:(she bows &starts spreaking)
MY LORD Shylock is keen about a pound of flesh.(stops) Let him have it.Have you brought the knife Shylock?
Shylock;Yes I have.
Portia:You cut the flesh from the nearest part to the chest.Not more.Not less.
Shylock: That is not mentioned in the bond.
Portia:In that case there should be no blood shed,because it is also not mentioned in the bond.
MY LORD,is it possible to take flesh without blood shed?I dont want my cliant to loose even a single drop of blood.Shylock has conspired to murder Antonio,as one can not cut flesh without a bllod shed.
Duke;Now it is judgement time.
clerk:Silence ..Silence.
Duke:As the conspirasy is obvious Shylock has planned to murder Antonio.
Shylock, I ORDER YOU to apologise.You should give half of your fortune to the government & half to Anonio as punishment.
(Shylock walks of in shame.Antonio,Bessanio,&portia in gay mood.)

Sunday, February 3, 2008


He is one ,who knows the ins &outsof driving thoroughly with a minimum arbitary record of ten years without even a minor accident or a scratch to vehicle&is one who has got exposure under various driving conditions with all physical psychological stress strain &who has a fair knowledge &exposure of the various points discussed below,with a sound & sharp presence of mind at any one given situation.
Driving is an art.It differs on accasions &methods adopted as per situations.To be a super driver atleast the following 60 points must be considered meticulously&must come out with flying colours in each point any time &every time.
1)Night driving:very dangerous &risky.speed is number one enemy.second SLEEPY MOOD.
2)day driving:Tiredness is important if heavy duty done in the previous night or in the afternoons in a hot weather.
3)congested area:must go slow as there will be lot of pedestrians,children playing in the streets.
4)peak hours:as there will be heavy rush &lot of disorderly drivings specially by motor cyclists
extra care has to be exercised.
5)small lanes:children from home will fall down into the road from nowhere,as if from the sky!.
6)school area :danger zone from 6am -6pm.
77)schooltime:12-1pm, 4-6pm are school closing beware children coming running.
8)high ways;Temptation to drive fast is irresistable.Though road is broad this is where accidents are more prone,causing danger to life..
9)during rain:really does not matter in city driving.But it matters in highways.skidding is common during first 30 minutes.visibility will be poor according to quantom.If it is night it will be much worse.
10)drizzling or cats &dogs?Both are dangerous.FOG LIGHTS OR EXTRA LIGHTS TO BE PUT ON.never exceed 40 km /hr speed.In heavy rain better to halt the vehicle.if there is lightning dont stop under a tall tree as the thunder stirke is possible.
11)slushy road:Tires may get may wait for a big vehicle to pass through&can follow that tyre marks.
12)skid prone road: If it is a new tar mac & the surface is very smooth &to add fuel to fire there may be some oil spill by advancing vehicle that can cause a skid.
13)heavy vehicles from opposite direction.
ordinary lorry--just dangerous.
state trans port buses--very dangerous.
water lorry--most dangerous,most ruthless.Atleast one death is caused by water lorry every day
15)HEAVILY LOADED LORRY COMING IN FRONT;USUALLY THESE LORRIES can not have good controle.They will come wobbling like a snake.
16)speed of vehicle from opposite direction:when your judge ment is that he is coming in 100km/hror more you better slow down or haltif there is some other moving object in the scene.
17)overtaking vehicles from opposite direction;when you see 2 vehicles side by side you better stop&watch with masterly expectancy.
18)Animals crossing:In India dogs bafallows cows bullocks crossing the road at their own turtle speed is a common sight:some times you stop or you may have to accelerate as the big animal choose to cross suddenly.if you apply breaks sometimes it may be disasterous.
19)curvy road:must slow down to less than 40/km.
20)drivers tiredness:one of the top 5 causes for car-crash.freshen yourself with a face wash,dont wipe for 5 mts so the face gets cooled.take a cup of tea/cigareettes if you are accustomed or put a chewing gum,listen to music(not in the moving car)
21)SLEEPY MOODS:This is top number one cause for FATAL accident
If you feel asleep,please think that is your last day or night&you are not going to see the next day for sure.if you dont think that way &still drive you are comitting a suicide.Dont keep a person next to you sleeping,because it may aggravate your sleep.God only can help under such situation,but He wont help such people.
22)Automatic eye lids closure:If eye lids close against your wish,that is a premonitary sign you are going to sleep&THAT SLEEP IS OVERTAKING YOU.stop the vehicle on your leftside.either freshen or sleep in the car atleast for 15 mts &start car later.23)Alcohol,sedative 12hrs after
may be acceptable.
24)overspeeding knowingly:many lorry drivers,bus drivershave wrong notion that if they overspeed during sleep,the sleep will get disturbed,thinking it will increase the alertness.
25)music while driving:certainly it will distract the driver's attention.
26)flight of thoughts:some people have the habit of day"dreaming" in a conscious state.,so the driver does not know where he is what he is doing,putting himself in a different world.THIS WILL END UP IN TOTAL CALAMITY.
27)rest for driver:no driving permitted for more than 4 hrs at a stretch,&driving continuoesly over 6-8 hrs not permissible.can drive only after 24 hrs.
28)opposite vehicle with glaring lights:reduce your speed.dont get annoyed with him &spoil your mood.for safe driving you should have good moods.
29)visibility distance:A minimum of 100 meters visibility is ideal, at all times.
30)Emotional out bursts:prior to starting the vehicle , or at any time while driving the vehicle,you should never enter into heated arguments ,or muttering yourself when another driver on the road exibits disorderly behaviour.
31)confidence level:never loose your confidence&never be too confident;vehicles involving accidents with trains at UNMANNED LEVEL CROSSINGS are due to sheer carelessness &too much confidence.stop,listen&proceed rule must be practiced here.
32)tyre condition;Between the two ribs there should be a minimum deapth of 2 mm(the lenth of the tip of the ball point pen ateast is mendatory.If it is bald it requires changing preferably to new tyre.Better tyre should be in the front allways.
33)rear view mirror:constant &vigilant watching of rear view ,&side mirrors are essential.Inboth side view mirrors a small tail portion of the vehicle should be seen after adjustment.see what is coming on your right before moving the vehicle
34)Break check:when you start the vehicle give trial check of the breaks,so if there is abreak failureyou dont realise it late.
35)Tyre pressure:keep a pressure gauge and check tyre pressure twice a week.
36)"Be cautious,be cautious",your mind must be alerting you at all times.
37)EYES &EARS MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION.many profesional drivers have cataract eyes or moderate degree of deafness or colour blind.
38)Over taking:no over taking when advancing vehicle is going at speed of 60-80 km/hr
no overtaking in curvy roads congested road or if the road is not broad enough.
39)Overspeeding is necessary at crucial times.(suddenly &quiet unexpectedly a bullock cart turning when you are in good speed,in front or a speeding vehicle coming in front breaking the MEDIAN)
40)Presence of mind:At ANY ONE GIVEN SITUATION ,your mind must choose the best.(if there is a dog on the right & a man on the left,if you have to hit on, choose dog not the man.)
41)Lorry cleaners drive:Most lorry drivers when they feel sleepy allow the cleaners to drive.This can be assessed to some extant well in advance,The lorry willbe coming in good speed&in stagering gait as if "drunk".
42)Driving in full stomach.:You should never drive long distance in full stomach.You will feel sleepy because the blood sugar level goes up.
43)driving at 2--4 pm.As this is also the nap time &as the sleep is a condition reflex ,drowsiness &sleep are unavoidable,So be careful jut like 2-4 am timewhich is an accident prone time.
44)Those who are epileptic,who are on drugs should not drive within 2-6 hrs as that is the peak action time of the drug.Similarly pain killers or any new medicine used first time in ones life should betried only at home(one professional driver asked for a head ache pill-metasin,when an occupant took one for her head ache.within 2 hrs, he developed drug anaphylaxis--fatal drug reaction unless recognised quick &treated.He collapsed &was admitted in hospital where he recovered.)
45)Driving daily is like entering death well daily."Karanam thavarinal maranam"--Tamil proverb.If you slip in the somarslt gymnastic may fall down inside death well.So driving is comparable to this.
46)Proficiency of all these points must be attained before 30--35 when the confidence level &pysical stamina are high.
47)must have cool &calm temperament &not easily irritable.All those who get easily irritated will commit accident definitely.
48)police fine:Even a single bill from cops will disqualify you to be asuper driver.
49)Mountainous terrain driving:Roads here are narrow.lot of uphills &down hills.short distance visibility due to curvy roads.a)never go fast.b)if you climb an uphill in first gear,you must come down also in the same gear.while coming down adjust speed by gear changing than by breaks.
50)many accidents occur because people dont stop at RED LIGHTS.Better to stop in the yellow light itslf.
51)Adjust mirror,reduce blind spotbefore starting the vehicle.
52)Distractions:Visual, Psychological:Can be by other car occupant.Can be due to some vehicle accident ,or police stopping advancing vehicles or a big eye catching banner on the road.Adjusting
music control,cell phone use(even if it is hands free equipment).All these take the drivers mind off the road.
53)sun-shine glare:Avoid while proceeding east in the mornig&west in the evenings.Use the sunshade pade from the panel.use cooling glass for the eyes.
54)Turn on the head lights when you use your wipers.It will help increase your visibility &will help other drivers to see you.In many states in USA it is the law.
55)Keep car windows clear.
56)Wear the seat belts:In USA,every 15 secondssomeone is injured every 13 mts some one is belt reduces severity of injuries/fatalities.Estimated to save 11000 lives each year.
57)Adjust &lock the head rest.
58)In emergency.keep foot on breaks& press hard.dont pump.keep pressing.
59)aggressive drivers with disorderly behaviour.If you see one on the road simply tell yourself"OH GOD forgive them. They know not what they are doing".Otherwise your driving will not be safe.
60)reverse driving:Allways practice slow reverse.Before taking a parked vehicle better to give a look physically.
Few actual true life vivid examples to keep in mind.
a) 35 yr old,(USA)drove from point A to point B at about 7.30 pm.He suddenly felt intense desire to sleep.The destination point is only 15 mts away.But he chose to stop the car at a near by lodge &stayed /slept overnight&resumed journey morning of next day.
Comment:He is alert ,intelligent &did not want to take the slightest risk to his life ,&the lives of his wife& child leave alone possible damage to new BMW CAR.
b)30 yr old (USA) soft wrae engineer was travelling from point A to point B at night 2amHe slept while driving &dashed against a tree.His wife died on the spot,3yr old child recovered after 6 months of treatment for fractures.
Comment:He is stupid &unfit to be a driverHe is lining with guilt throughout life.I HAVE KNOWN ATLEAST 3 DRIVERS(DOCTORS!) who have broken their bones at least thrice due to reckless driving.
c) 30 yr old doctor,driving alone fromdindivanam to madras in 1970.One senior most police officerm,&a senior most IAS officer hithicked doctor's car as their own vehicle got broke downThey were returning from chidambaram after an official enquiryOn the way it was raining cats &dogs.Doctor stopped the car,Officers urged that they should go to assemblybefore 10 am.
doctor refused to oblige.
comment:doctor did a good job.Everything comes after only self safty.
CERTAIN RELEVENT STATISTICCS;U S A.(Indian statistics will be higher)
100,000 car crash every year due to driver's tiredness.
60%drivers said they were DROWSY.
34% drivers said,they felt asleep while driving.
22%-rear impact crash
30% side impact
25% fatalities
50%front impact crash-40% fatalities.
25-50% distractions--cause of car crash.
Every 13 mts-some one is killed.
Every 15 sec some one is injured.
11000 lives estimated to be saved by seat belts.
Conclusion:Now tell me who is a super driver?Are you one?You must be jack of all trades of driving departments.Nothing should be too much &nothing too less.Everything should be balanced .constant vigilance of your sorroundings is essential to make one a SUPER DRIVER.
Unfortunately thereb is no concept of issuence of a super driving licence in any country to give a recognition between a graduate &a post graduate!.



Following is my plan of full scheme of the contents of my web site regarding the coverage of matters I INTENT TO WRITE W.E .F. APRIL 2008, after I reach Chennai, one by one gradually after collecting necessary materials.

The Plan

  • Various medical topics of practical importance to a common man to equip himself with a better medical knoledge,as already listed in the blog.
  • My own family photos.
  • My own clinical photos published in the medical journals.
  • Roots of dr.p.selvaraj.-My ancesters from my grand father to his great-great-grand sonswith photos(with a view& wish that my children may continue from here.
  • MEDICAL SITUATIONS THAT BAFFLED ME& HOW I scientifically handled them successfully.
  • New treatment concept designed by me &published in medical journals.
  • How I escaped death so many times LUCKILY.
  • Hardships I faced in childhood &in my professional life.
  • Some of my saddest moments in my life.Some of my life's happy accasions.
  • AIDS--From etiology pathology &pharmacology presented by me in a poetical style with a hidden note about control of spread of AIDS.
  • 144 stanzas,--576 sentences.
  • complete proof reading &suggestions by,Dr.A.Parthasarathy,retired professor of pediatrics,past president of Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
  • FORWARD BY KAVIGNER.S VAIRAMUTHU,well known cinema lyricist.
  • recommended for all medical officers in the southern command by AREA COMMANDER(lieutenant general), TAMILNADU ANDHRA KARNATAKA KERALA area.
  • Two sample stories for children's school drama, English elocution contest.
My future plans will include the following from April 2008 onwards
  • world's rare photos.
  • madras news.
  • madras gossips
  • madras web sites --business, real estate etc., for NRIS
  • laughter the best medicine-that which realy happened in someones real life.
  • above 5 sections will be updated every friday. Readers can also send their own for publication here for others just to laugh.