Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Heart attack

Heart gets its nutrition &oxygenthrough coronary arteries.as age advancesthqqe inner diameter of the blood vessel(artery) keeps decreasing  question to fat(cholesterol deposition. After a critical period there is a complete block in one or two or three vessels.when this occurs sufficient oxygen supply does not reach  the heart muscle leading to stoppage of Herat muscle contraction,relaxation.the reaction is such the whole heart muscle stops functioning.this is a heart attach the same thing if if it occurs in brain it is called  cerebral stroke,by giving a dc shock(defibrillation) the heart can be made to function as before.inj.streptokinase is to be given preferably within 4hours,helps a lot(costs rose 10000).given intra musculaly/intra coronary vessel only by cardiologist,while doing coronary bye pass surgery the heart is stopped by defibrillator as the vessel suturing so difficult in a beating heart
N) defibrillation given to restart the heart. Some surgeons do bye pass in a beating heart(moot hospital chennai).        Contact 9841354335. Drslvarajp@yahoo,com

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