Sunday, February 1, 2009


Indian &American academy of pediatrics permit children to have vaccination for multiple vaccine preventable diseases,in one shot or two shots on the same day as patient compliance is better.DPT(TRIPLE ANTIGEN),MMR,CHICKENPOX ,Hib ,are usually combined.they have produced unwanted side effects in India&USA,though in a small number The chief ill effect is intracranial hemorrhage sub cutaneous bleeding with reduced platelet count(bone marrow depression).So it is better to give single than double trple in the same,though at different sites.Life is precious,specially for parents..Better to avoid the following combinations:1)Qvac,dtp+hepatitisB
2)PENTAVAC(dtp+hep.B .+Hib. 3)quadrivac(dpt+Hib+4)MMR+varicella.these two are preferably never combined with any other vaccine. DTaP IS PREFERRED OVER DPT.always LEAVE THE DOCTOR'S CLINIC 30 MINUTES AFTER INJECTION TO SEE IF THERE IS ANY IMMEDIATE ANAPHYLACTIC REACTIONS.There are many doctors who advocate multiple injections do no harm.Thes are purly author's views &experience.

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