Saturday, January 18, 2014

First Aid to Just Born Baby For Common Man


All new borns usually

11)    Cry well at birth
22)    Pink in colour
33)    Body movements & reflexes present
44)    Normal breathing / Heart – beats.
But about 5% don’t have any of these or all of these. Such babies need help to cry & to breathe within 5-10 minutes of birth. Otherwise there will not be enough blood circulation to brain which will result in damage to brain (cerebral palsy / spastic child / mental retardation – permanent).

In order to prevent such eventuality, these babies should be handled by an experienced new born baby specialist & bring about normally in 5-10 minutes. Note the time factor.

Apgar Score: The five points mentioned above are assessed by a scoring system for prognostic guidance each carry 2marks. A total of 10 marks out of 10 should achieved in 5-10 minutes after birth.

This method was devised by a doctor by name Apgar. Hence the name.
A score below 7 is not compatible for a normal state. Any baby with less scoring will suffer from various deficiencies in mental faculties like low academic performance in later life.

Cerebral palsy (Spastic Child)
         This is due to low Apgar score at birth. The baby is usually blue & does not cry due to various reasons like:-
11)    Metabolic Disturbance
22)    Maternal Conditions like spinal anaesthesia
33)    Cord around neck
44)    Congenital problems, etc.

These babies will suffer from:-
11)    Stiff body
22)    Stiffness of all 4 extrimities
33)    May throw fits often (they are often referred to as vegetable) all due to brain damage at birth.

Little’s disease 200 yrs back, Children of well to do families with these problem went to an orthopaedic surgeon by name Dr.Little (UK) who after seeing lot of cases declared that this is due to inadequate obstetric care during delivery & is preventable (by appropriate neonatal resuscitation) So an orthopaedic surgeon discovered the cause of cerebral palsy & not by an obstetrician or physician or general surgeon thanks to Dr.Little.

The Author has devised new technique by which almost 100% success rate can be achieved in neonatal resuscitation.

Email – id of author:-
Consultant – Child specialist
Consultant – General Medicine (Adult)

Velammal Family Clinic
TVS Colony 1st main road,
Annanagar West Extn,
Chennai – 600 101.
Ph. No. 7299005901

Please visit my blog:-
Look for neonatal resuscitation & Aggressive neonatal resuscitation
Special Neonatal resuscitation training can be given to staff nurses at Velammal hospital.

For further details


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