Monday, November 2, 2009


calcium is an important ion necessary for normal human cell function&its activity.Mainly
it is required for 1)growth of bones in children.2)electrical conduction in nerves.
3)maintenance of normal blood clotting mechanism.4)to prevent bone fracture in certain developmental disorders of bones(osteogenesis imperfecta) 5)osteoporosis in elderly post menopausal women

calcium treatment in general;
commercially lot of preparation available in pharmacy for the treatment of conditions1-4.for osteoporosis calcium given alone is ineffective,because calcium deposition on the bones depends upon the hormone oestrogen's availability.In postmenopausal women oestrogen is very less or absent in blood therefore calcium given alone will not get deposited in the bone to prevent fracture which is very common when they fall down in bath room causing fracture spine which is very difficult to treat.

what is the solution?
What is the best form of calcium supplementation, for such elderly people?
Prophylactic &curative treatment of choice is only to eat small lean fish ,thrice a week without removing the bone which contains calcium. women from age 45 onwards should start taking this fish eating habit as a prophylaxis measure against osteoporosis,as many will sure to get it otherwise.vegetarians suffer more.Small fish-example:sardines,any small lean fish like MATHTHI,
AYIRAI, NETHILI(ALL TAMIL)All cooked of course preferably in a crispy way.Oestrogen supplementation in old women is under debate,as it can potentially cause cancer breast or cancer uterus in those who take oestrogen after 50 should take mammogram test& pappinicolatest

to detect cancer early.So we are between the devil &the deep sea.devil is osteoporosis &deep sea is cancer.To be or not to be has to be decided individually to give or not to give eating is naturally available source of calcium,accepted by the body unlike commercial preparations.

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