Friday, August 1, 2014


Litchi fruit is harvested in all parts of asia.Ackee fruit is grown &eaten in Jamaica.Some children said to have developed A E S(Acute encephalitic syndrome) after consuming these fruits,which are said to be culprits by lay press& many states  in India &abroad  registered death of few children soon after consuming these fruits within a short period.
Points for discussion;
1)Is there any specific virus isolated/identified from these fruits?
2)Does it cause death of all children who ate these fruits?
3)Why does it not affect adults?
4)Any antiviral antibodies such as Ig G/Ig M,demonstrated from these children who ate these fruits?
5)Did all children,who died after fruit consumption,had full course of vaccination against J E&Hib?
6)Were all dead children,well nourished?
7)why all dead children were mal nourished?

Scients propose two theories:
1)A zoonotic virus theory

2)A chemical(toxicological) substance theory

Bats thrive on fruits during latchi fruit harvest.They consume virus presnt in the fruit(so bats are vector no 1
These infected bats are bitten by culex/anophles mosquitos(vector no 2).when these infected mosquitos bite human they get the virus disease.

1)west nile virus disease 2)chic-un-gunya virus disease3)herpes simplex virus disease 4)varicella zoster virus disease5)Rift valley fever virus6)Crimean cargo haemorrhagic fever virus 7)entero viruses8)Alpha virus
9)measles 10)Japanese B enchephalitis virus.11)DENGUE hemorrhagic fever/shock syndrome

When a child is clinically diagnosed as A E S  Clinicians  try to confirm by various lab studies to pin point the etiology Unfortunately it is a difficult job  to succedeoften.
According to Dr A T .John WHO consultant&professor of virology has travelled to many places where there were mystery fevers&children death reported.He is of openion that viruses dont play any part in this disease.
Chemical theory
MCPA&MCPG ARE TWO CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES found in the alleged fruits.,which if consumed
can  bring down blood glucose(hypoglycaemia) by reducing liver glycogen storage,thus producing vomiting, fits altered sensorium &death specially in mal nourished children.Dr.A T John agrees with this theory, after extensive lab studies.
Litchi fruit &Jamaican Ackee fruit, do not contain any virus,that could kill children at short intervel.
Extensive lab studies required to find out culprit virus by a process of exclusion of 12 culprit viruses
Is it possible? 9841354335


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