1. This is a virus human DISEASE.
Kills numerous at EASE
Post pubertal entering into ‘depth’ AFFECTED.
All extra-maraital / personal intimacy INFECTED
2. History of HIV infection is amazingly CHILLING
Positive sero conversion discovered THIRILING
From a blood sample of the year 1947
So the age of the culprit virus is at least years 57.
3. First noticed from immuno-compormised African HOMOS
Undergoing Chemotherapy at HOMES.
Pneumocystis corni and KAPOSI-SARCOMA.
Found together as flower and AROMA
4. HIV discovery established IN 1984.
In the age group of 14 TO 44 WITH SYMPTOMS FOUR.
Kaposi-sarcoma, T-cell reduction in DEPTH.
Opportunistic infection and ultimate DEATH.
5. What does HIV mean In ANALOGY?
H stands for Human in ANTHRAPOLOGY
I means Immune deficiency in MICROBIOLOGY.
V for virus in the science VIROLOGY.
6. ‘Acquired’ - contracted through source EXTERNAL.
‘Immune’ - Body’s defence from source INTERNAL
‘Deficiency’ - lack or reduction or ABSENCE.
‘Syndrome’ - group of signs, symptoms PRESENCE.
7. Place of origin of HIV is African CONTINENT.
Spread is via multiple points PERTINENT
Syninges, needles, blood, tatooing PERFUSED & ABUSED
Most important is ‘secret (private) cells’ USED.
8. In congenital protective protein is ABSENT.
In acquired, HIV Killing T-cells is PRESENT.
T-cell is important for Body’s DEFENCE
Its absence causes infection in ABUNDANCE.
9. Organisms invasion is nature’s law is ANOMALY.
Different for different species of ANIMALS ONLY
Organisms have species specificity LIMITED
But when rule broken, devastation is UNLIMITED.
10. What is essence of these two on FINE TUNE.
Poor defence leading to infection OPPORTUNE.
In Congenital it is absence of a GLOBULIN.
In Acquired it is HIV throughout GLOBE-IN
11. This is true in transformation of HIV.
Simian (monkey) immune deficiency virus is SIV.
When SIV enters human, it becomes HIV I.
Killing white cells almost leaving NONE.
12. Monkeys don’t eat MONKEYS.
But chimpanzees hunt for only MONKEYS.
Some humans eat chimpanzee MEAT.
Thus virus transformation COMPLETES.
13. Siv Cpz (chimpanzee Virus) enters HUMANS.
This Zoonosis transforms to HIV ONES.
Another animal is sooty mangabeys in W.AFRICA.
This SIV becomes HIV II entering humans even in NON-AFRICANS
14. When HIV & HTLV contracted through “ILIACS”
Especially through transfusion in HEAMOPHILIACS
Aids may become more possible and FIRM.
Western blot, Immunoassay are tools to CONFORM.
15. HIV colonises at point of ENTRY.
Omnipotent in blood tissues like SENTRY
Placenta IN infected pregnancy is TRANSFORMER.
Identifies embryopathy as INFORMER.
16. Perinatal incubation is 6-36 MONTHS.
Foetal virus isolation in pregnancy after 4 MONTHS
Post Transfusion incubation is 2 years in PEDIATRICS.
The same is 5-18 yrs in GERIATRICS.
17. HIV’s transport vehicle is infected MONOCYTE
The destination point is CNS ON SITE
Leading pulmonary macrophages INFECTED.
Pneumocystis carni / interstitial pnueumonia develop UNAFFECTED
18. Spread of HIV by intimate physical CONTACT.
The ‘exchange’ is via red and white fluid passing INTACT
Essence of Microbiology is presence of BODY CELLS.
Deeper muscles / fluid secretions provide MICROSPOIC CELLS.
19. Hepatitis B virus is dangerously AWFUL.
HIV is Ten times Les POWERFUL
Hep N can enter through needle INJURY
But HIV entry often after ‘muscles’ get MERRY
20. Causative agent is electron MICROSCOPIC
Point of body entry is often MACROSCOPIC
Human desire is via muscular ENDSCOPIC
Virus Lives a distance deeper and PROCTOSCOPIC
21. HIV II is less dangerous than HIV I.
Both coextist in certain death in HIV I.
Uncommon death weast africans HIV II.
But Both Spread by via naturalis is TRUE
22. HIV is in Africa and US PREVALANT
Birth place of I and II are Africa DIVALANT
HIV II is more common in WEST AFRICA.
Only to spread to Brazil, UK & N-AMERICA.
23. ‘X Active’ Men (70%) are like HONEY BEES.
Thus Happens ‘Pollengrain’ TRANSFER.
‘X Active’ Women (30%) ‘X Workers, are LIKE FLOWERS.
‘Samething’ Happens in HIV TRANSFER
24. Haiti & Hawaii Have HIV in ABUNDANCE.
Unchecked Blood Transfusion (5%) another HINDERANCE
Mother to Child Vertical Transmission 5-10% Hence.
Any AIDS Secretions / Body Fluids Spreads HIV SINCE
25. Killed readily by HEAT.
Otherwise remains alive life long very NEAT.
Though incubation maximum is SIX YEARS.
Progression to Aids faster without ARREARS.
26. Acetone, Ethanol, Beta PROPIOLACTONE.
Inactive HIV virus to ATONE
‘Hot cone ice’ is vibrant for infection ACTIVITY
Yet another modality for spread in CAPTIVITY.
27. All that glitter are not GOLD.
All HIV don’t cause AIDS to be BOLD.
But all AIBS are due top HIV ONLY.
AODS is a Killer disease CERTAINLY.
28. Namakkal and Chennai have HIV HIGHEST.
Even school children are affected MODEST.
Gravity of situation WORSENING
Government is engrossed in pointless PLANNING
29. When HIV enters blood it is infection ONLY.
It by itself is not a disease TRULY.
When virus produces symptoms of DISEASE
It is AIDS’ problem with no SOLACE
30. HIV with symptoms of AIDS.
Always deteriorates with virus RAIDS.
Diagnostic Confirmation is final and LAST.
Lies in the patients when breathings LOSt.
31. HIV differs from other INFECTION
In its multifacted PRESENTATION
Important aspect in new PRODUCTION
Is constant mutogenic strains of REPRODUCTION
32. After HIV hep B was trouble SHOOTER
Outcome of both remain HOTTER.
Luckily hep B vaccine DISCOVERED
But mystery of HIV remain UNCOVERED.
33. An imprtant thing is Respiratory SIGN.
Hand in gloves is AIDS and TB FINE.
Either singularly or with other ILLS.
TB in AIDS is like primary complex in MEASLES.
34. Defence crakes and breaks in MEASLES.
In AIDS it is shattered to PIECES.
TB may affect not essentially only LUNGS.
Other organs are not out of BOUNDS.
35. A Syndrome consists symptom COMPLEX
Not unique to any disease to PERPLEX.
Many diseases have fuatures SIMLARITY.
‘Secret hide outs’ nurtures agents in UNIFORMITY.
36. Symptoms vary from fatigue FEVER
Malaise and night sweats EVER.
Weight loss, pain and PYORRHOEA.
Always omni present is DIARRHOEA.
37. Signs are not UNCOMMON.
Lymphadenopathy and wasting EVEN.
Oral leukoplakia, SPLENOMEGALY,
Perianal herpes and ORGANO MEGALY.
38. Poor growth, failure to THRIVE.
Interstitial pneumania and hepatomegaly ARRIVE.
Systemic / pulmonary signs dominate AMERICA.
Diarrhoea, inanition, wasting predominate AFRICA.
39. Patulous lips and Triangular PHILTRUM.
Box forehead and short nose ANTRUM.
Oblique eyes and long palpabral FISSURE.
Facial signs of pediatric AIDS AT LEISURE
40. `What are the AIDS signs?
Prolonged diarrhoea, fever, vomiting, PAINS.
Problematic coughs, kaposi sarcoma GROWTH.
Conventional treatment failure is TRUTH.
41. TB in AIDS is compared to SNAKES.
Lid of snake box is defence at STAKES.
Once lid of box REMOVED.
The ‘TB snake’ raises its HOOD.
42. Pediatric AIDS....
In HIV case if Tuberculin is POSITIVE.
Star INH prophylaxis with INITIATIVE.
Oral polio for HIV children CONTRA INDICATED.
Inactivated polio vaccine SUBSTITUTED.
43. Hypo / Agamaglobulinaemia is CONGENITAL.
Arresting exposure to infection is URGENT AND VITAL.
Often the modus operundi is same as HIV.
Except for the absence of virus HIV.
44. In both child succombs to opportunistic infection O! MAN.
Where conventional therapy failure is COMMON.
If cause is virus AHT is Treatment of CHOICE.
In ELISA negative case aptimmune globulin
replacement WISE.
45. All 2 years and older symptomatic / ASYMPTAMATIC.
Pnemococal vaccine is given AUTOMATIC.
No contra indication for MMR VACCINE.
Immune globulin considered GENUINE.
46. Prognosis in Pediatric AIDS Treatment
Prognosis is always bad and WORSE.
With complication TIDES.
Overall survival upto ten YEARS.
Worse in infection and encophalopathy with FEARS.
47. AIDS –Prevention should at ROOT CAUSE.
Eating monkeys prohibited as FIRST CAUSE.
Monkeys brain is a DELICACY
In star hotel of singapore honkong as FANCY.
48. Aide itself is ACQUIRED.
Congenitally ‘acquired’ exists when ENQUIRED
Prevention strategy is current RESEARCH.
Pediatic AIDS tops the list in scientists SEARCH.
49. Infected mothers transmit HIV to 30 % CHILDREN.
If there is no treatment for mothers and CHILDREN.
transmission rate falls down to 2 %
When both mother and child are treated 100%
50. AZT given during and 3 months prior DELIVERY
Azt given also for 7 days to the NEONATE.
Additional nevirapine treatment given single DOSE.
For mother and child to achieve purpose at EASE.
51. Last but not least researcher SAY.
To keep the mothers breast milk AWAY.
Virus transmission in breast milk is proven
Formula Bottle feeding along is final DESTINATION.
52. All immune deficiency states and AGE
prone to Infection at some STAGE
low dose antibiotics is a MUST
To escape from infecting organisms THRUST
53. Sulpha, INH, Metrogyl worth CONSIDERING
Frequently at repeated interval DOSING
Though this may not kill HIV
Life prolongation is definite and HEAVY.
54. Curing aids is out of QUESTION.
Prevention helps n disease reduction BEST IN.
Arresting spread will control DISEASE.
AIDS guarnteed even after decades at EASE.
55. AIDS affect Children INNOCENT.
But mode of virus entry is UNPLEASANT.
Through mother’s milk is SUPERFICIAL.
Through maternal blood transfusion it is.
deep and ESSENTIAL.
56. Children in general have less DEFENCE.
AIDS affected children have poor DEFENCE.
It is like adult mechanism of disease PRODUCTION.
Suffering infection due to defence REDUCTION.
57. In adult it is T-cell REDUCTION.
Leads to embarassing INFECTION.
In Children gamaglobulin DEFICIENCY.
Contribute to infection’s EFFICIENCY.
58. HTLVI is a close relative of HIV I.
Lives in human T-cell Lymphocytes OFTEN.
Children are targets from nursing MOTHER.
Other route per via naturalis blammed TOGETHER.
59. This innocent pediatric infection SPREAD.
Through needles, syringes and blood with SPEED.
While remaining asymptomatic decades with ANAEMIA.
May develop Adult T-cell LEUKAEMIA.
60. Half of all pediatric AIDS POPULATION.
Contributed by black POPULATION.
Main cause is non-use of LATEX OR ‘BRAKES’
25% are due to ‘swimming’ BACK STROKES.
61. ‘Same side’ goal strikers are 50%
Opposite side strikers are LESS PERCENT.
Coagulation disease sufferes from 25%
‘Vat 69 or upside down opposite amount 75%
62. Pediatric AIDS in USA FORMS.
Seventh leading cause of death – 1989
Male female ratio in USA is 3:1.
Same in Africa is 1:1.
63. Pediatric HIV-3 Million WORLDWIDE.
Surviving Under Conrtesy of WHO AID
50% Die Before AGE FIVE.
Within Age Ten Others are not ALIVE.
64. Mother to child HIV Transmission 90%
Through Placental Blood without Intermission 25%
During Delivery Per Via Naturalis 50%
While Breast Feeding Naturally is 15%.
65. Statistics in India Rapidly RAISING.
1% of States Population AIDS SUFFERING.
10 Million Indians will Have AIDS in 5 Yrs.
By Year 2020 Life Expectancy Reduction to 20 Yrs.
66. Statistics in India Rapidly RAISING.
1% of States Population AIDS SUFFERING.
10 Million Indians will Have AIDS in 5 Yrs.
By Year 2020 Life Expectancy Reduction to 20 Yrs.
67. Spread of AIDS can be arrested SOON.
Specially from ‘XXX workers’ as BOON.
Technology available from SELSON.
For proof of pudding dial 044 – 4217-7784 on
68. Many maniacs switch over to VIAGARA.
Only to die in the great falls of HIV NIGARA.
Some develope genital / oral ulcer CHOLERA AND PELLAGRA.
AIDS is an ugly grave unlike TAJ MAHAL OF AGRA.
69. OF AIDS and Simple HIV Infection TEALLY.
Which is more Dangerous TRULY ?
HIV without AIDS is a Tiger with a COW’S SKIN BUT.
70. AIDS diagnosed first IN 1980.
In two decades it multiplied in PLENTY.
AIDS Spread can be arrested in 2 YEARS.
Virus spread can be retarded and checked for ALL YEARS.
71. Prolonged Breast Feeding increases RISK.
Recent Postnatal (Maternal) infection also BRISK & RISK.
Campared to BM Cholostrum has LESS RISK.
During First 90 Days (age) Doubles INFECTION RISK.
72. How to stop HIV through milk of MOTHER.
When virus swim in maternal blood HITHER AND THITHER.
Either AZT or equilavalent are required to KILL.
Side effect and expenses may swell the BILL.
73. Can we use mother’s milk FILTERS ?
By internal or external source TILT OVER?
Can Mothers milk extracted and IRRADIATED?
Can milk treatment by drugs / UV rays EXPEDITED ?
74. Less Risk Encountered When BM BOILED HA.
Risk in wet nursing by HIV Negative Women FOILED.
AZT to Mother helps throughout PREGNANCY.
AZT + Nevirapine for Neonate helps without POLGNANCY.
75. What are the mother’s milk ADVANTAGES ?
Most important is Immune globulin APPENDRAGES
Bifidus Factor stops neonatal DIARRHOEA.
Last but not least is ‘maternal bonding in SCENERIA.
76. All three are managable as per AREA.
Hygiene sanitation averts DIARRHOEA.
Cheating techique illusions BONDING.
Gamaglobulin injection solution ASTOUNDING.
77. Prevention should hit at root ROOT CAUSE.
Eating monkeys prohibited as first CAUSE.
Monkey brain is a DELICACY.
In star hotels of signapore honkong as FANCY.
78. Current best prophylaxis is LATEX.
Non – use perpertraters regret LATEST.
“Revolutionary method” is better then BEST.
Available by selsens improvised NEST.
79. In this noval method affected destined to DIE.
But unaffected remain non – ingfected after ‘TIE’.
Needles / Syringes / blood are exempted TRULY.
Beneficial fo ‘professional’ workers GENUINELY.
80. Dead yesterday, unborn TOMORROW.
Why fret about them if today has NO SORROW.
Omar kayam’s philosophy applicable TRUE HERE.
WHO should think laterally for the Present and future NEAR.
81. Who will do the job of ‘BELL – CATS’?
Non bailable viral arrest warrant is with BILL GATES.
New selson prophylaxis is best to STOP AIDS.
Serious practical thinking helps scientific SIDES.
82. Cure for AIDS is not today’s need – it is a GREED.
Selsens formula sure to arrest the spread INDEED.
Priority to be given to stop speedy SPREAD.
Selson (044-42178874) knows the sensitive THREAD.
83. Will the house-wives and GENTLE MEN.
Opt for Anti-HIV vaccine IN-COMMON?
All or none law ‘applicable in HIV VACCINATION.
Imagining benefit will be fantacy and FACINATION.
84. Drinking, Smoking, Opium are HIV’s cousin BROTHERS.
All drug addictions are HIV’s younger BROTHERS.
HIV itself is like ‘DADH’s half BROTHER.
But father of all brothers is ‘cyanide’ – HIV’ elder BROTHER.
85. ‘Garibi-hatavo’ said Indira GANDHI.
Means ‘poverty go-away in simple HINDHI.
Now ‘HIV hatavo’ says sonia GANDHI.
Like Small pox Exadication for Man Kind’s SHANTHI.
86. Feelings are Pschyo-Physiological CONFLICTS.
Very difficult to tame ‘TARGETS’.
The ‘urge’ has an eye on the ‘BULLS EYE’.
Better to fortify the garden of Edens’s GAL AND GUY.
87. Mangolians and Africans possess eating SIMILARITIES.
In their taste buds of Tongue as SPECIALITIES.
Hypothalamic center is unique IN BOTH.
Desire for delicacies uniformly complied with salivation FROTH.
88. ALDS or SARS as virus diseases Everyone WHO KNOWS.
Is Prevalant in Peculiar flesh eaters as ZOONOSIS.
AIDS originated from eaters of MONKEYS.
SARS originated from eaters of DOGS AND FROGS.
89. Kings / Monarcs in African COUNTRIES.
Subject even their proposed wives to HIV test BOUNDARIES.
The reason is distressing and ALARMING.
40% African population are positive in HIV NAMING.
90. Global Terrorism is due to POPULATION EXPLOSION.
Death Terrorism is due to AIDS EXPLOSION.
Population reduction in hurricane, Floods and VALCANOS.
AIDS more dangerous than nature’s death CASINOS.
91. Selsen has prophylatic specific STATEGY.
Yet Undisclosed by any scienfic TECHNOLOGY.
Practical application will proove TOO GOOD.
Number of strategy are TWO GOOD.
92. Prophylactic researches are in FULL SWING.
To discover anti HIV vaccine to CLING.
Virus Vaccine Production will be a WASTE.
As no one will use it in HASTE.
93. Immune deficiency is the central PIVOT.
Altering immune system is like a RIVETTE.
Can You Thrust vaccine on EVERY ONE?
What is its use if it has no support on ANY ONE?
94. HIV and small pox are not COMPARABLE.
Small pox spread by air is TOLERABLE.
Hence Small pox eradication was POSSIBLE.
HIV vaccine on everyone is UNACCEPTABLE.
95. In small pox entire global population with sincerity VACCINATED.
Scientists call it as Herd IMUNITY.
If entires population NON-VACCANTED.
HIV vaccine a great loss in IMPUNITY.
96. When any STD is clinical / SERLOGICAL
When secretions / ulcers predominate around PUBIS.
HIV’s presence dominate allriound VISA-VIS.
97. one more Childhood immune deficiency is NON-GENITAL
This is different and CONGENITAL.
Cause is agama globulinaemia
98. Syringes and needles sterilisatio IMPOSSIBLES.
After AIDS and hep B – All became DISPOSABLES.
Most blood banks never tested STD in the RACe.
ELISA for HIV is the order of medico-legal CASE.
99. Best of all idea is very SIMPLE.
Economically viable and lie at DIMPLE.
Practicabilty is alternate POSSIBILITY.
Better than best is BM Bank AVAILABILITY.
100. Zidovudine has life PROLONGATION.
If cd 4 count is 500 confirms HIV INFECTION.
in symptoms with 200 – 500 CD4 COUNTS.
Only zidavudine will help by ALL COUNTS.
101. If CD is less than 200 + in AIDS
Zidavudine as stat doze aids.
But switch over is NECESSARY.
Often with DDI / DDC as COMPULSORY.
102. Selsen’s formula sure to arrest spread and BREED.
Cure for AIDS is not today’s NEED.
Priority given for stopping SPEEDY SPREAD.
AIDS Exlosion is in near vicinity INDEED.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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