Sunday, January 20, 2008


Suicides are not uncommon in childhood population.It is the mental make up of children that drives them just like adults. but the cause here is different.Anger,dissappointments frustrations,financial loss are main causes in adults.
Age incidence:6-16.both sexes. sex ratio:F:M=4:1.COMMENEST AROUND 14 YRS.
Usually due to desperate psychological stress &prior knowledge of close relatives'
&friends' 'suicides.
Causes:1)Too much ragging in school,college, soceity, teacher,parents.
2)Scoldings by elders in such a wayto feel ashamed.
3)Physical beatings causing injury ,pain specially in the presence of others.
4)Sex abuse..
5)Death of mother, father, bosome friend.
6)Failures in examinations.
Real life story:15 yr old girl just usedto talk to a boy.somebody informed this to her father.what happened in the family discussion is not known.She was found to have consumed bug killer poison &died within 2 hrs.Her brother ,doctor30 yrs commited suicide in the first night after wedding.Her eldest brother 45 having 2 kidscommitted suicide for reasons not known.Allthese three had one thing in common -extreme sensitivity to react to a stressfull situation They never thought about their parents for awhile.children must be taught that suicide is not the answer for any problem.Many young girls commit suicide when they were raped.This kind of suicides are more in india than in USAwhere people's outlook about chastity is different as they are brought up in a different culture.40 yrs back there was a film by name TWOWOMENwhere SOPHIA LOREN WAS THE MOTHER who washes herdaughter's genitals with water from a canal that was found on the way&said "All the dirt is now gone"That should be the spirit of mothers instead of cursing them that their life is gone once for all as the" chastity" is gone for no fault of thier's &that they are unfit to live.This is a vain philosophy.Girls brought up in this phylosophy will ,have suicidal tendency,because that age is neighther too young nor too matured to know how to react,unless primed earlier.All children must be educated from young age onwards,that suicide is1)an act of cowardice.2)tendency to escape being unable to face real situation.3)extreme sensitivity will not be helpful in real life4)is such that if a child commits suicide parents also may commit same or die of heart attack5)may cause collapse of family structure.
All female children should be brought up like male children to be bold telling the stories of some bold ladies who are known for their bravery.
Prevention:1)Exam fear should be removed at all costs.
2)children's mind should be nicely primed that suicided children will be cursed by society,after their death.3)It is a shameful thing to commit suicide.4)PARENTS MUST PROVIDE A CONGENIAL ATMOSPERE that does not threaten them towards such a misery.
Relavent true life story.
A boy was failed three times in finalMBBS exam due to personal vendatta by an examiner.The boy had a strong will power ,got the exam center changed& passed exam.He did not commit suicide.So the lesson learnt is that there is another solution other than suicide for any given problem.This should be convinsingly spoken to them that they remember it for ever.

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