Eyes dont see what the mind doesn't,is a dictum in medical world &is applicable to all walks of life.The following tips are given so that senior citizens can take adeqate precaution towards a peaceful,pleasurable,&painless longivity as they go nearer to the fag end of their life.
1)stair case steps:allways beware. you may fall down if you are careless.many people got their bones broken,or got a heart attack,on the stair case.
2)bath room:This is also a suitable place for fractures, dislocations, heart attaks.take care.
3)road crossing :.extreme caution required as you are old,weak physically,hypertensive diabetic,.transient ischaemic attacks(giddiness due to brain blood vessel blocks)cross road only at pedestrian/zebra crossing/ along with other people.
4)avoid travelling alone.
5)never take the risk of going out at night,specially alone.no help will reach you at night,
6)beware of saterday, sunday, holiday.-Availability of medical fecility is least on these days.Many heart attacks are said to occur on these days.
7)Avoide lifting young kids--you may drop them.
8)No alcohol except in your own room.Keep a calling bell in your room,to call others in the house when you are in need of medical help,like chest pain.
9)Amnesia:forgetfulness..you may repeatedly take same medicine due to forgetfulness.If you take anti diabetic drugs repeatedly your blood sugar can come down &you may become unconscious.your doctor can suggest a good solution.
10)Keep your identity allways in your pocket,including phone numbers.
11)Keep instructions in writing in case of eventuality for others to take appropriate action
12)Keep mouth dissolving monosorbitrates allways in pocket.ONE tablet to be kept under the tongue if you get chest pain,unexplainable sweatings ,sudden left shoulder left arm pain-lightning in nature.IF YOU CAN AFFORD KEEP A DOMESTIC DEFIBRILLATOR.Many rich people succumb to heart attacks within minutes.These people may be the bread winner or their serv ices are required at any cost.the concept of domestic defibrillators in well to do families are not yet in vogue, in India..I am sure many precious lives could be saved if only this machine is available within minutes.When a man gets heart attack ,there is no pulse,& no respiration cadio-pulmonary resucitation,(external cardiac massage will be 100% useless.It is a futile attempt &waste of time.D.C Shock(defibrillation)through defibrillator is one &only choice &many times it was found to be successful,in reviving the man or woman.consult your doctor who may appraise you in great detail.Rotary/Lion's clubs can organise this concept.I am willing to do the spade work,if requested.
13)Wheezing in a non asthmatic may be a sign of heart problem(All that glitters are not gold, all that wheezes are not asthma).call for the ambulance quick.
14)Black out experience,may be an indicator of heart attack,or brain blood vessel block,or low or high blood sugar or low or high blood pressure.Call ambulance.
15)Physical exercise is a must till the last day however less it could be.
16)Avoid self driving at nights,specially after alcohol,tranquillisers.
17)Better to have a dog companion depending on living conditions
18)Try to keep half stomach instead of full stomach at nights(heart attacks more in full stomach)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Alternate tittle -- Irritants that increase gastro intestinal motility
Adults defecate once or twice a day.Many prefer to have psychological satisfaction only if they visit toilet twice a day at least.When they visit toilet frequently they often put the blame on INFECTION,though it may also be a contributing factor. Listed below are some of the usual causes that go unnoticed for frequent bowel emptying.Any one single cause though is good enough often combination of causes on the same day may result in this disorder. Though all are important sugar intolerance in adults &milk intolerance,may be a common cause next only to hot green chillies which is an important ingredient in all the homes &hotels (specially in non-vegetarian & road side restaurants)
Peptic ulcer syndrome(stomach ulcer)is said to be due to Hurry-burry, curry, worry.Alcohol aggravates ulcer disease.These people will also have small multiple ulcers in the in the stomach &bowel motility.The treatment has to be individualized &need based.Office goers should take a light break fast & should not resort to full meal.All the above listed causes will have to be controlled.Non spicy diet 1/2 of limited meal of hotel food without milk may offer a comfortable feeling.
A sample diet that can cause DEFINITE PROBLEM.
Adults defecate once or twice a day.Many prefer to have psychological satisfaction only if they visit toilet twice a day at least.When they visit toilet frequently they often put the blame on INFECTION,though it may also be a contributing factor. Listed below are some of the usual causes that go unnoticed for frequent bowel emptying.Any one single cause though is good enough often combination of causes on the same day may result in this disorder. Though all are important sugar intolerance in adults &milk intolerance,may be a common cause next only to hot green chillies which is an important ingredient in all the homes &hotels (specially in non-vegetarian & road side restaurants)
- Gastro intestinal irritants:1)chillies green/other varieties.
- black pepper ,cloves.
- cow's, bufullows milk/coffee/tea+or - smoke cigarettes.
- hot food.
- full stomach.
- junk food fast food ,food taken in a hurry.
- sweets.
- fruits specially mangoes.
- milk&sweets may have a cumulative effect even when taken on alternate day for two weeks in a susceptible individual.
- frequent hot coffee,tea,with quick puffs of cigarettes smoking
- wheat/rye/corn protein
- any pickles.
- office stress.
- multiple combinations of above on a single day.
Peptic ulcer syndrome(stomach ulcer)is said to be due to Hurry-burry, curry, worry.Alcohol aggravates ulcer disease.These people will also have small multiple ulcers in the in the stomach &bowel motility.The treatment has to be individualized &need based.Office goers should take a light break fast & should not resort to full meal.All the above listed causes will have to be controlled.Non spicy diet 1/2 of limited meal of hotel food without milk may offer a comfortable feeling.
A sample diet that can cause DEFINITE PROBLEM.
- 6 am:hot coffee with 250 ml of milk
- 8 am: 4-6 iddlies, with chlly chutney/chilly sambar/chilly powder.
- 1 pm full lunch, sambar, rasam, vegetables fish/mutton/chicken,curd rice +pickles,banana-1
- 5 pm :coffee, 250 ml milk, dosai. mango-1
- 9 pm rice, sambar, rasam vegetables curd rice + pickles + rasa gulla(sweets)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Child birth is like collecting honey from ajungle tree.WE HAVE TO TOLERATE IF BITTEN BY HONEY BEES. Similarly immediately after the delivery of the child,the mother's joy is boundless,but to enjoy the fruit of labour,she has to bear certain pains,discomforts,etc.
a)Keep taking food in very small quantities,every 15 mts..Dont take break fast in one stretch.Take 1/4 iddly or 1/4 slice of bread every 15 mts
b)take fried vegetablesas salad(no oil please),mixed withskin of citrous fruits-lime,orange.(AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBTETRICS &GYNECOLOGY)
C)add ginger 1-2 gms dailyfor 4-5 days only.
2) To avoid stretch marks in pregnancy.
Start applying vit E capsone once daily(umbillicus to hip level) &butter in the evening daily on the same spot,till pregnancy is over.This is for prevention only.NO effect on previous scars.
3)To avoid belly protrusion.(post delivery)
a)Eat 50 % less but nutrtious with more protien
b)avoid all oils/ghee/fats/n.v items excepteggs, fish.
No large quantity of food at a time.
d)dont eat rice in the morning
e)physical excercise:sit on the floor with legs stretched in front.lean forwards &touch grat toes,&backwards with hand support.start 20 times morning evening.This will dissolve abdominal fat&increase abdominal muscle tone.
f)abdominal binder at all times except during sleep.
g)measure abdominal girth in centimters &keep the records daily once.Suppose the binder is placed at 100cm today(length of abdominal circumference.Keep reducing 1 cm of the binder length every week &proceed till you can tolerate without discomfort.
If all the above tips are put into practicemeticulously ,there is no failure.
when the vomiting of pregnancy is uncontrollabe despite all measures,peple get depressed. some people will advice powerful anti emeticsor tranquilisers available over the counter (india)It may do more harm to developing embryoDo all permutations &combinations as outlined above.This is not a disease,but the body's reactionto the growth of a foriegn body inside(foetus)
a)Keep taking food in very small quantities,every 15 mts..Dont take break fast in one stretch.Take 1/4 iddly or 1/4 slice of bread every 15 mts
b)take fried vegetablesas salad(no oil please),mixed withskin of citrous fruits-lime,orange.(AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBTETRICS &GYNECOLOGY)
C)add ginger 1-2 gms dailyfor 4-5 days only.
2) To avoid stretch marks in pregnancy.
Start applying vit E capsone once daily(umbillicus to hip level) &butter in the evening daily on the same spot,till pregnancy is over.This is for prevention only.NO effect on previous scars.
3)To avoid belly protrusion.(post delivery)
a)Eat 50 % less but nutrtious with more protien
b)avoid all oils/ghee/fats/n.v items excepteggs, fish.
No large quantity of food at a time.
d)dont eat rice in the morning
e)physical excercise:sit on the floor with legs stretched in front.lean forwards &touch grat toes,&backwards with hand support.start 20 times morning evening.This will dissolve abdominal fat&increase abdominal muscle tone.
f)abdominal binder at all times except during sleep.
g)measure abdominal girth in centimters &keep the records daily once.Suppose the binder is placed at 100cm today(length of abdominal circumference.Keep reducing 1 cm of the binder length every week &proceed till you can tolerate without discomfort.
If all the above tips are put into practicemeticulously ,there is no failure.
when the vomiting of pregnancy is uncontrollabe despite all measures,peple get depressed. some people will advice powerful anti emeticsor tranquilisers available over the counter (india)It may do more harm to developing embryoDo all permutations &combinations as outlined above.This is not a disease,but the body's reactionto the growth of a foriegn body inside(foetus)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Introduction:All women who delivered a child invariably makes a complaint thus:"I have insufficient milk to feed my child" or "my baby is having an aversion to breast.He simply turns his face away"Scientists have proven from time to time that these statements are not true.Many mothers expect that breast milk must flow just like bottle milk.THEY OFTEN FORGET THAT BOTTLE IS LIFELESS &BREASTS ARE FULL OF LIFE involving complex mechanism .Those women who are calm quiet,docile type dont encounter such problem.Though the milk may flow from the breasts the switch board to put it on or off is in the brain(hypothalamus).For the first three days or so there is consentrated milk flow(colostrum)(seempaal in tamil)This is highly nutritious &contains lot of materials(gama globulins) that helps to defend the neonates against any harmful germs,and a substance todefend against neonatal diarrhoea(bifidus facter).Apart from cholostrum there will be lot of mucous in the milk ducts causing obstruction.So milk flow insufficiency is very commonin the first week, besides other causes listed below:
1)lack of nutricious(protien) diet
3)EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES(anger, easy excitability
4)lack of calm quiet peacefuldark,plasant atmosphere&environement(leave alone mother-in-law problem!)Breast feeding is a tecknic all nursing mother should learnfroma quqlified lady doctor systamatically.The custom in tamilnadu is to give white shark fish(paal sura)(sura puttu)
for nursing mothers to improve or increase milk production.W heather it is true or not it is good for all non vegitarians as it is a good protiencan help produce milk."If there is a will there is milk allways" is a medical dictum.Baby may develope an aversion under the following circumstances.
1)sweat smell from mother's axilla
2)unchanged blouse
3)wet diaper.
4)lack of slight manual breast compression by mother while nursing
5)illness like fever constipation, or any physical irrtationin baby.
6)developing breast abscess due to milk duct obstruction.
MILK PRODUCTION IS GOVERNED BY HORMONES.ONCE MILK IS SECRETED IN THE LACTIFEROUS GLANDS,it should flow throughducts,into the nipple&this is controlled by brain for initiating a "let down"reflex for milk to flow freely when the "key opens the lock"at the brain level.The key will open the lock only if the child sucks,sending message to brain to open the lock.So the initiating nervous reflex to let the milk down takes place thus:child sucks--message transmission to hypothalamus--hypothalamus sends message to breasts to allow the milk to flow.
1)lack of nutricious(protien) diet
3)EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES(anger, easy excitability
4)lack of calm quiet peacefuldark,plasant atmosphere&environement(leave alone mother-in-law problem!)Breast feeding is a tecknic all nursing mother should learnfroma quqlified lady doctor systamatically.The custom in tamilnadu is to give white shark fish(paal sura)(sura puttu)
for nursing mothers to improve or increase milk production.W heather it is true or not it is good for all non vegitarians as it is a good protiencan help produce milk."If there is a will there is milk allways" is a medical dictum.Baby may develope an aversion under the following circumstances.
1)sweat smell from mother's axilla
2)unchanged blouse
3)wet diaper.
4)lack of slight manual breast compression by mother while nursing
5)illness like fever constipation, or any physical irrtationin baby.
6)developing breast abscess due to milk duct obstruction.
MILK PRODUCTION IS GOVERNED BY HORMONES.ONCE MILK IS SECRETED IN THE LACTIFEROUS GLANDS,it should flow throughducts,into the nipple&this is controlled by brain for initiating a "let down"reflex for milk to flow freely when the "key opens the lock"at the brain level.The key will open the lock only if the child sucks,sending message to brain to open the lock.So the initiating nervous reflex to let the milk down takes place thus:child sucks--message transmission to hypothalamus--hypothalamus sends message to breasts to allow the milk to flow.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Introduction:Many behaviours of children are attributable to the kind of sleep they have,because sleep is a central nervous system phenomenon,that influences on the intellectual capabilities.Though the problem can occur at younger age,it is significant only after age 5 when definite signs symptoms can be assessed by doing an I.Q.test.
Following are manifestations of different types of sleep disturbanses:
1)sleep apnea:cessation of breathing for few seconds during sleep.
2)over sleeping(more than for his age)
3)under sleeping(does not sleep more than an our continuously,but may like to sleep repeatedly in the day.
4)dreams;In quiet refreshing sleep there is no dreams which are burried thoughts deep in the unconscious mind trying to surface to the sub conscious mind.
5)REM sleep-rapid eye movement sleep.
6)SEM sleep -slow eye movement sleep.This is wanted &refreshing.
7)sleep walking-somanabulism.
8)Bed wetting in sleep at night( after age 5 for practical purpose)
9)Teeth grinding in sleep (wrongly believed to be due to worms!
10)Narcolepsy (sleeps more in day time &night time.Gets often comulsive sleep
on a sudden onset
11)EEG recordable abnormalities in sleep
12)jet -lag.
SOLUTION:All these disorders are due to a dis turbance in the flow of electrical transmission in an abnormal way,disrupting the normal BIOLOGICAL CLOCK. For every body function there is a biological clock system in the body.For example in jet lag ,we cross 2-3 time zones in a short period,while flying in an air craft for a long distance.So the condition reflex already functioning is shattered resulting in ,head ache,drowsiness,inattentiveness etc.So only way to set right is to go to an experienced pediatritian,or a psychologist.or a specialist in sleep medicine(available in CHENNAI) Psychological counselling,psycho pharmacological drugs are often prescribed by doctors after finding out the causewhich is the hall mark in ultimate management of any illness.
Following are manifestations of different types of sleep disturbanses:
1)sleep apnea:cessation of breathing for few seconds during sleep.
2)over sleeping(more than for his age)
3)under sleeping(does not sleep more than an our continuously,but may like to sleep repeatedly in the day.
4)dreams;In quiet refreshing sleep there is no dreams which are burried thoughts deep in the unconscious mind trying to surface to the sub conscious mind.
5)REM sleep-rapid eye movement sleep.
6)SEM sleep -slow eye movement sleep.This is wanted &refreshing.
7)sleep walking-somanabulism.
8)Bed wetting in sleep at night( after age 5 for practical purpose)
9)Teeth grinding in sleep (wrongly believed to be due to worms!
10)Narcolepsy (sleeps more in day time &night time.Gets often comulsive sleep
on a sudden onset
11)EEG recordable abnormalities in sleep
12)jet -lag.
SOLUTION:All these disorders are due to a dis turbance in the flow of electrical transmission in an abnormal way,disrupting the normal BIOLOGICAL CLOCK. For every body function there is a biological clock system in the body.For example in jet lag ,we cross 2-3 time zones in a short period,while flying in an air craft for a long distance.So the condition reflex already functioning is shattered resulting in ,head ache,drowsiness,inattentiveness etc.So only way to set right is to go to an experienced pediatritian,or a psychologist.or a specialist in sleep medicine(available in CHENNAI) Psychological counselling,psycho pharmacological drugs are often prescribed by doctors after finding out the causewhich is the hall mark in ultimate management of any illness.
This occurs in the most affluent to most down trodden in the soceity.
1)Lack of patterna/maternal controle over children in the 10-15 yr age group.Most vulnerable around age 11 yrs.
2)Lack of supervision when their academic performance falls below average.
3)ACCESS to free flow of money in their hands,which leads to seek extravagent life.Allowing children to return home after 6 pm,even for a single day if it is unexplainable.
4)Allowing children to go to cinema theaters,visit bars,visit places of gambling in the name of recreation clubs.
5)Allowing children to play cards during study time or any other gambling,smoking /drugs loitering around town without any aim.
6)stealing money at home(Not informing husband if mother knows about it)So the charecter is lost in the already indisciplined child
7)Boys outnumber girls ,because they are given more freedom
8)Beating&scolding children unnecessarily.
9)Matrimonial disharmony in parents,diverting their anger on children(very important)
All these are fully correctable,provided parents interfere at the right timewith right steps,or bring it to the notice of an experienced pediatritian or psychiatric consultant.It is a pity that these people dont make use of the doctors for such matters.Early &late adolescence are challenging age to parents who should anticipate &seek the help of doctors whenever they suspect that the path chosen by child is not upto mark of satisfaction.50% of all children are potential drop outs unless carefully supervised.Most of such children become appreciable citizens ONLY because of constant supervision by parents ,teachers who guide them now &then &continuously.
1)Lack of patterna/maternal controle over children in the 10-15 yr age group.Most vulnerable around age 11 yrs.
2)Lack of supervision when their academic performance falls below average.
3)ACCESS to free flow of money in their hands,which leads to seek extravagent life.Allowing children to return home after 6 pm,even for a single day if it is unexplainable.
4)Allowing children to go to cinema theaters,visit bars,visit places of gambling in the name of recreation clubs.
5)Allowing children to play cards during study time or any other gambling,smoking /drugs loitering around town without any aim.
6)stealing money at home(Not informing husband if mother knows about it)So the charecter is lost in the already indisciplined child
7)Boys outnumber girls ,because they are given more freedom
8)Beating&scolding children unnecessarily.
9)Matrimonial disharmony in parents,diverting their anger on children(very important)
All these are fully correctable,provided parents interfere at the right timewith right steps,or bring it to the notice of an experienced pediatritian or psychiatric consultant.It is a pity that these people dont make use of the doctors for such matters.Early &late adolescence are challenging age to parents who should anticipate &seek the help of doctors whenever they suspect that the path chosen by child is not upto mark of satisfaction.50% of all children are potential drop outs unless carefully supervised.Most of such children become appreciable citizens ONLY because of constant supervision by parents ,teachers who guide them now &then &continuously.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Suicides are not uncommon in childhood population.It is the mental make up of children that drives them just like adults. but the cause here is different.Anger,dissappointments frustrations,financial loss are main causes in adults.
Age incidence:6-16.both sexes. sex ratio:F:M=4:1.COMMENEST AROUND 14 YRS.
Usually due to desperate psychological stress &prior knowledge of close relatives'
&friends' 'suicides.
Causes:1)Too much ragging in school,college, soceity, teacher,parents.
2)Scoldings by elders in such a wayto feel ashamed.
3)Physical beatings causing injury ,pain specially in the presence of others.
4)Sex abuse..
5)Death of mother, father, bosome friend.
6)Failures in examinations.
Real life story:15 yr old girl just usedto talk to a boy.somebody informed this to her father.what happened in the family discussion is not known.She was found to have consumed bug killer poison &died within 2 hrs.Her brother ,doctor30 yrs commited suicide in the first night after wedding.Her eldest brother 45 having 2 kidscommitted suicide for reasons not known.Allthese three had one thing in common -extreme sensitivity to react to a stressfull situation They never thought about their parents for awhile.children must be taught that suicide is not the answer for any problem.Many young girls commit suicide when they were raped.This kind of suicides are more in india than in USAwhere people's outlook about chastity is different as they are brought up in a different culture.40 yrs back there was a film by name TWOWOMENwhere SOPHIA LOREN WAS THE MOTHER who washes herdaughter's genitals with water from a canal that was found on the way&said "All the dirt is now gone"That should be the spirit of mothers instead of cursing them that their life is gone once for all as the" chastity" is gone for no fault of thier's &that they are unfit to live.This is a vain philosophy.Girls brought up in this phylosophy will ,have suicidal tendency,because that age is neighther too young nor too matured to know how to react,unless primed earlier.All children must be educated from young age onwards,that suicide is1)an act of cowardice.2)tendency to escape being unable to face real situation.3)extreme sensitivity will not be helpful in real life4)is such that if a child commits suicide parents also may commit same or die of heart attack5)may cause collapse of family structure.
All female children should be brought up like male children to be bold telling the stories of some bold ladies who are known for their bravery.
Prevention:1)Exam fear should be removed at all costs.
2)children's mind should be nicely primed that suicided children will be cursed by society,after their death.3)It is a shameful thing to commit suicide.4)PARENTS MUST PROVIDE A CONGENIAL ATMOSPERE that does not threaten them towards such a misery.
Relavent true life story.
A boy was failed three times in finalMBBS exam due to personal vendatta by an examiner.The boy had a strong will power ,got the exam center changed& passed exam.He did not commit suicide.So the lesson learnt is that there is another solution other than suicide for any given problem.This should be convinsingly spoken to them that they remember it for ever.
Age incidence:6-16.both sexes. sex ratio:F:M=4:1.COMMENEST AROUND 14 YRS.
Usually due to desperate psychological stress &prior knowledge of close relatives'
&friends' 'suicides.
Causes:1)Too much ragging in school,college, soceity, teacher,parents.
2)Scoldings by elders in such a wayto feel ashamed.
3)Physical beatings causing injury ,pain specially in the presence of others.
4)Sex abuse..
5)Death of mother, father, bosome friend.
6)Failures in examinations.
Real life story:15 yr old girl just usedto talk to a boy.somebody informed this to her father.what happened in the family discussion is not known.She was found to have consumed bug killer poison &died within 2 hrs.Her brother ,doctor30 yrs commited suicide in the first night after wedding.Her eldest brother 45 having 2 kidscommitted suicide for reasons not known.Allthese three had one thing in common -extreme sensitivity to react to a stressfull situation They never thought about their parents for awhile.children must be taught that suicide is not the answer for any problem.Many young girls commit suicide when they were raped.This kind of suicides are more in india than in USAwhere people's outlook about chastity is different as they are brought up in a different culture.40 yrs back there was a film by name TWOWOMENwhere SOPHIA LOREN WAS THE MOTHER who washes herdaughter's genitals with water from a canal that was found on the way&said "All the dirt is now gone"That should be the spirit of mothers instead of cursing them that their life is gone once for all as the" chastity" is gone for no fault of thier's &that they are unfit to live.This is a vain philosophy.Girls brought up in this phylosophy will ,have suicidal tendency,because that age is neighther too young nor too matured to know how to react,unless primed earlier.All children must be educated from young age onwards,that suicide is1)an act of cowardice.2)tendency to escape being unable to face real situation.3)extreme sensitivity will not be helpful in real life4)is such that if a child commits suicide parents also may commit same or die of heart attack5)may cause collapse of family structure.
All female children should be brought up like male children to be bold telling the stories of some bold ladies who are known for their bravery.
Prevention:1)Exam fear should be removed at all costs.
2)children's mind should be nicely primed that suicided children will be cursed by society,after their death.3)It is a shameful thing to commit suicide.4)PARENTS MUST PROVIDE A CONGENIAL ATMOSPERE that does not threaten them towards such a misery.
Relavent true life story.
A boy was failed three times in finalMBBS exam due to personal vendatta by an examiner.The boy had a strong will power ,got the exam center changed& passed exam.He did not commit suicide.So the lesson learnt is that there is another solution other than suicide for any given problem.This should be convinsingly spoken to them that they remember it for ever.
Friday, January 18, 2008
There are many parents who think that they need not know about sex abuse &suicidal tendencies of childhood."Eyes dont see what the mind does n't".Parents should have an open mind to discuss these matters whenever they see a TV News or any other relevant accasion if there is a news in the dailies.There is nothing to feel shy about it.It is better they learn these things through parents than from any other source.
Usual age &sex affected:Any age & any sex.
Mostly men above 50are involved who are unsuspicious strangers,who are single.
Some reasons why these perverts choose children.
1)They are defenceless &can be frieghtened easily.
2)From time immemorial there is a myth that "those who suffer from VD can get cured if they have an affair with a vergin.
3)Mostly anus is the anatomical site involved.So if there is bleed in the external genitals or at anus,parents should suspect a possible sex offence.
1) CHILDREN FROM AGE 10 upto15(some times even younger)should be told not to accept sweets eatables,soft drinks,ice creams from known or unknown people.Tell them like this:
"If your teacher some body known to you calls you to meet you to an isolated lone placefor an interesting matter-like free ice cream ,or free cooling glass, dont go"
"Beware that something funny may take place there.they may kidnap you&sell in some far off state."
"If you get stuck up.Be silent.dont talk. THINK ABOUT HOW TO ESCAPE"
"Never friehgten the kidnap criminalsby saying you will inform police while you are in their custody"
Whenever this kind of real life news are published take this opportunity to discuss with children
There are many parents who think that they need not know about sex abuse &suicidal tendencies of childhood."Eyes dont see what the mind does n't".Parents should have an open mind to discuss these matters whenever they see a TV News or any other relevant accasion if there is a news in the dailies.There is nothing to feel shy about it.It is better they learn these things through parents than from any other source.
Usual age &sex affected:Any age & any sex.
Mostly men above 50are involved who are unsuspicious strangers,who are single.
Some reasons why these perverts choose children.
1)They are defenceless &can be frieghtened easily.
2)From time immemorial there is a myth that "those who suffer from VD can get cured if they have an affair with a vergin.
3)Mostly anus is the anatomical site involved.So if there is bleed in the external genitals or at anus,parents should suspect a possible sex offence.
1) CHILDREN FROM AGE 10 upto15(some times even younger)should be told not to accept sweets eatables,soft drinks,ice creams from known or unknown people.Tell them like this:
"If your teacher some body known to you calls you to meet you to an isolated lone placefor an interesting matter-like free ice cream ,or free cooling glass, dont go"
"Beware that something funny may take place there.they may kidnap you&sell in some far off state."
"If you get stuck up.Be silent.dont talk. THINK ABOUT HOW TO ESCAPE"
"Never friehgten the kidnap criminalsby saying you will inform police while you are in their custody"
Whenever this kind of real life news are published take this opportunity to discuss with children
Sunday, January 13, 2008
This also is a systamatic sophisticated structural construction from early childhood &it would not sprout all on a sudden.This is like a building raised with foundation &slow step by step construction work of psychological "bricks &cement".If the "materials "used are, not adulterated the resulting building(child) will be strong,long standing.
Father or any other male member , mother or any other female member, should be available to be a role model for the child.children automatically learn to be a hero worshiper.But the role model should possess all virtues,including good dressing sense,polishing of shoes,punctuality maintainance&decency in all behaviours.Exemplifying model should have sense of humour &euphimism which should be taught to children then &there with actual life situation..If father & mother possess all these, children will imbibe these qualities.Teach children in the young agefrom age 5 onwards to address elders with respectful terms,including father &mother.( eg:
"vanga" "ponga" in tamil meaning:" come ,go"insead of" va po" while speaking to parents) Like charity everything begins at home.Relevant story:I studied the story of a "VILLAGE SCHOOL MASTER" in english prose, while in form IV.The school master served as a single teacher in 18 th centuaryHe had a duel duty of teaching children in school& unofficially educating the the villagers on day today affairs.The villagers were approaching the school master for the following issues.
1)To find out wheather it will rain today or not&if agricultural works can be started or not
2)how to apply manures to land &how to give medical treatment to cows &bullocks if they are sick,as if he was a vetrinary doctor!.
3)when will be the right time for harvesting.
4)how to raise poultry.
5) how to hatch the eggs
6)how to go to another village--direction &route
Parents should be like the village school master &educate their children continously at all times on all days.Unless you show them love & affecton, give enormous sense of security, they may not obey you &attempts to discipline them may be a tough job.
Father or any other male member , mother or any other female member, should be available to be a role model for the child.children automatically learn to be a hero worshiper.But the role model should possess all virtues,including good dressing sense,polishing of shoes,punctuality maintainance&decency in all behaviours.Exemplifying model should have sense of humour &euphimism which should be taught to children then &there with actual life situation..If father & mother possess all these, children will imbibe these qualities.Teach children in the young agefrom age 5 onwards to address elders with respectful terms,including father &mother.( eg:
"vanga" "ponga" in tamil meaning:" come ,go"insead of" va po" while speaking to parents) Like charity everything begins at home.Relevant story:I studied the story of a "VILLAGE SCHOOL MASTER" in english prose, while in form IV.The school master served as a single teacher in 18 th centuaryHe had a duel duty of teaching children in school& unofficially educating the the villagers on day today affairs.The villagers were approaching the school master for the following issues.
1)To find out wheather it will rain today or not&if agricultural works can be started or not
2)how to apply manures to land &how to give medical treatment to cows &bullocks if they are sick,as if he was a vetrinary doctor!.
3)when will be the right time for harvesting.
4)how to raise poultry.
5) how to hatch the eggs
6)how to go to another village--direction &route
Parents should be like the village school master &educate their children continously at all times on all days.Unless you show them love & affecton, give enormous sense of security, they may not obey you &attempts to discipline them may be a tough job.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Descipline Enforcement --Parents Duty
All my wright ups are not going to be likewhat you read in books.It will be more purposely personal &will kook like man to man(one to one) talking so that the readers understanding will be easier& a gainful pastime
How exactly the job of exicution of discipline to be done in lfe in practice?
pactical procedure:
If father &mother are disciplined children will automatically become disciplined.POINT OUT THEIR MISTAKE, gently &politely without using harsh words.Dont beat children.But act as if you may beat them in all probability.YOUR VERBAL TONE MUST BE SERIOUS.Dont use vulgar language. I f you find them using such filth,take it easy &conincingly speak to them ,what it means,what effect it will produce on the person scolded & how it will reflect on his own charecter.SURELY TELL THEM it will assasinate their own charecter.Put a question weather "you want to be good a good citizen or not"."You want people to praise you or not?"If they repeat mistakes,give warnig twice,&act on the third time.Ask them to kneel down for 5 mts for adament children.(This is not advocated by few psychiatrists.)Alternatively you can tell them you are not going to talk to them.usually they will come to terms.some times if you give group punishment that will be o.k. &no one will feel guilty.After all what is discipline?Doing good things with motives for good purpose &good benifits so that life will be smooth &peaceful&without worries.Explain to them why the punishment was givenSay it is only for his betterment.Dont compare your son with other children.
Disipline required in the following areas.
1)Getting up from bed &going to bed in time.
2)Take cofee after brushing teeth.
3)Toilet ,bath at fixed time.
4)Keep things back in the same place
5)Nail cutting weekly onc
6)work while you work& play while you play
7)Never allowgossiping,no indulgence in wasting time.
8)Dont ask them to study often;but keep an eye on the home work done .
9)Let them do some drawing, painting or work of arts like making ship aeroplane etc etc from papers
10)Let them learn game of chess.hand held video games.(it will developethe mind for calculative thinking,&mental &motor coordination)&provide as a temporary escapism from study.
Many parents show their angerwith children&beat them when their actual anger is with their spouces.Though this is a psychiatric problem this is to be done never.
How exactly the job of exicution of discipline to be done in lfe in practice?
pactical procedure:
If father &mother are disciplined children will automatically become disciplined.POINT OUT THEIR MISTAKE, gently &politely without using harsh words.Dont beat children.But act as if you may beat them in all probability.YOUR VERBAL TONE MUST BE SERIOUS.Dont use vulgar language. I f you find them using such filth,take it easy &conincingly speak to them ,what it means,what effect it will produce on the person scolded & how it will reflect on his own charecter.SURELY TELL THEM it will assasinate their own charecter.Put a question weather "you want to be good a good citizen or not"."You want people to praise you or not?"If they repeat mistakes,give warnig twice,&act on the third time.Ask them to kneel down for 5 mts for adament children.(This is not advocated by few psychiatrists.)Alternatively you can tell them you are not going to talk to them.usually they will come to terms.some times if you give group punishment that will be o.k. &no one will feel guilty.After all what is discipline?Doing good things with motives for good purpose &good benifits so that life will be smooth &peaceful&without worries.Explain to them why the punishment was givenSay it is only for his betterment.Dont compare your son with other children.
Disipline required in the following areas.
1)Getting up from bed &going to bed in time.
2)Take cofee after brushing teeth.
3)Toilet ,bath at fixed time.
4)Keep things back in the same place
5)Nail cutting weekly onc
6)work while you work& play while you play
7)Never allowgossiping,no indulgence in wasting time.
8)Dont ask them to study often;but keep an eye on the home work done .
9)Let them do some drawing, painting or work of arts like making ship aeroplane etc etc from papers
10)Let them learn game of chess.hand held video games.(it will developethe mind for calculative thinking,&mental &motor coordination)&provide as a temporary escapism from study.
Many parents show their angerwith children&beat them when their actual anger is with their spouces.Though this is a psychiatric problem this is to be done never.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
aA CHILD needs a carfully supervised observation with masterly expectancy,from birth to late adolescence,as briefly outlined below:
1 a.prenatal stage:Rubella vaccine at prepubertal stage to mother.Folic acid from pre concieved stage with good food &vitamins&trace elements like zinc ,copper, manganeese,molybdenum to mother.
1 b.Natalstage;Good obstetric &GYNACOLOGIST &NEONATAL RESUSITATION care.
1 c.post natal:Breast milk atleast for first 3 months.Colostrum is madatory.
2.Nutrition as outlined: protiens,carbohydrates, fats,vitamins,minerals,metals &trace elements.
4. Give love affection. Teach obedience&discipline Let them have a mild sence of fear to parents,but keep a friendly relationship.
5Confirm good school,good education,good teachers,&good friends.
If all these are provided a child can not become abnormal .He will be one of the most cherishable citizen of the world.
A true life story of one relevant thought provoking incidence will not be out of place.
(for mothers of children below 2 years)
Introduction:This is classic example of how & why children grow up much against our expectations..Even though brain functions are different according to various species of animals
human brain is totally different from all other animals in its learning &storing capacity,depending on environmental stimulation.THERE ARE MANY AREAS OF THE BRAIN WHICH ARE NOT WELL EXPLORED BY SCIENTISTS,who say that what we donot know is much gretar than what we know.To exemplify this philosophy ,there can never be another story than that of wolf raman's that happened in real life.
Actual story:
A man went in a jeep inside ajungle for hunting.He heard a funny noice that prompted the hunter to trace the animal from where the sound originated.To his surprise& shock he saw a naked boy about 2 yrs of age howling like wolf,with all other mannerism of wolf.The hunter with great difficulty brought him,named him as raman &admitted him at CMC vellore,tamilnadu India around1956.For a long time the News of raman appeared in all the news papers.It was construed the child should have been seperated from its parents for some reasons and was mothered by a mother wolf probably from neanatal age onwards!No one knew who the biological mother was.Plenty of foriegn doctors thronged CMC vellore,like flies over a jack fruit!.But they could not save the baby who eventually died,after 2 months despite desperate attemt by a team of doctors.
Discussion:This boy wolf Raman should have never seen or heard ,human voice &language from birth onwards.He was exposed to an animal world &seem to know only animal language(wolf)That includes food habits & other bejavioural pattern of animals Brain is a complex & most intricate machine,where knowledge is is recorded slowly &systamaticallyThere is continuous exposure to many sophisticated things like hearing, seeing understanding with apredictable & precision outlook&constant feeiding of same information repeatedly +new infermationalso now &
then. An animal brain can not do what a human brain can do.Similarly a human brain can not be better in an animal environement where there will be constant deterioration °enerationEven an animal living in jungle is inferior to another animal living amidst human environement .But a human being exposed only to animal world for a ptolonged period only animal language & knowledge alone will be recorded in the brains anatomical&physiological &psychologicallayersSuddenly if such a human young one is seperated from animal world&attempted traing for a human behaviour will be futile.
Conclusion;A child's brain functions like a compeutor chip where messages are constantly recieved stored &retreved .Its style of functioning is different from animals.But if the ENVIRONEMENTAL STIMULATIONrequired is not provided by seperating the child away from human atmosphere the brain cells get "rusted" once for all & unfit for further recording of messages.This is what happened when wolf RAMAN was brought to human atmophere.So if our human brain"s capabilities are high ,it is due to constant ,uninterupted cognitive ability which is becoming better& better after each generattion,& the knowledge is passed on to offsprings,boosting up its growth potential through GENES.
1 a.prenatal stage:Rubella vaccine at prepubertal stage to mother.Folic acid from pre concieved stage with good food &vitamins&trace elements like zinc ,copper, manganeese,molybdenum to mother.
1 b.Natalstage;Good obstetric &GYNACOLOGIST &NEONATAL RESUSITATION care.
1 c.post natal:Breast milk atleast for first 3 months.Colostrum is madatory.
2.Nutrition as outlined: protiens,carbohydrates, fats,vitamins,minerals,metals &trace elements.
4. Give love affection. Teach obedience&discipline Let them have a mild sence of fear to parents,but keep a friendly relationship.
5Confirm good school,good education,good teachers,&good friends.
If all these are provided a child can not become abnormal .He will be one of the most cherishable citizen of the world.
A true life story of one relevant thought provoking incidence will not be out of place.
(for mothers of children below 2 years)
Introduction:This is classic example of how & why children grow up much against our expectations..Even though brain functions are different according to various species of animals
human brain is totally different from all other animals in its learning &storing capacity,depending on environmental stimulation.THERE ARE MANY AREAS OF THE BRAIN WHICH ARE NOT WELL EXPLORED BY SCIENTISTS,who say that what we donot know is much gretar than what we know.To exemplify this philosophy ,there can never be another story than that of wolf raman's that happened in real life.
Actual story:
A man went in a jeep inside ajungle for hunting.He heard a funny noice that prompted the hunter to trace the animal from where the sound originated.To his surprise& shock he saw a naked boy about 2 yrs of age howling like wolf,with all other mannerism of wolf.The hunter with great difficulty brought him,named him as raman &admitted him at CMC vellore,tamilnadu India around1956.For a long time the News of raman appeared in all the news papers.It was construed the child should have been seperated from its parents for some reasons and was mothered by a mother wolf probably from neanatal age onwards!No one knew who the biological mother was.Plenty of foriegn doctors thronged CMC vellore,like flies over a jack fruit!.But they could not save the baby who eventually died,after 2 months despite desperate attemt by a team of doctors.
Discussion:This boy wolf Raman should have never seen or heard ,human voice &language from birth onwards.He was exposed to an animal world &seem to know only animal language(wolf)That includes food habits & other bejavioural pattern of animals Brain is a complex & most intricate machine,where knowledge is is recorded slowly &systamaticallyThere is continuous exposure to many sophisticated things like hearing, seeing understanding with apredictable & precision outlook&constant feeiding of same information repeatedly +new infermationalso now &
then. An animal brain can not do what a human brain can do.Similarly a human brain can not be better in an animal environement where there will be constant deterioration °enerationEven an animal living in jungle is inferior to another animal living amidst human environement .But a human being exposed only to animal world for a ptolonged period only animal language & knowledge alone will be recorded in the brains anatomical&physiological &psychologicallayersSuddenly if such a human young one is seperated from animal world&attempted traing for a human behaviour will be futile.
Conclusion;A child's brain functions like a compeutor chip where messages are constantly recieved stored &retreved .Its style of functioning is different from animals.But if the ENVIRONEMENTAL STIMULATIONrequired is not provided by seperating the child away from human atmosphere the brain cells get "rusted" once for all & unfit for further recording of messages.This is what happened when wolf RAMAN was brought to human atmophere.So if our human brain"s capabilities are high ,it is due to constant ,uninterupted cognitive ability which is becoming better& better after each generattion,& the knowledge is passed on to offsprings,boosting up its growth potential through GENES.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
CHILDHOOD ACCIDENTS for the knowledge of parents.
DEATH RATE IN ACCIDENTS IS HIGHER THAN IN DISEASES.Children are more prone to accidents from birth onwards.Commenest till age 1 is aspiration(food particles finding entry in the wind pipe)Younger the age chances are more. Althoughparents know all the possibilities of accidents it is better they are aware of a list of few very common accidents well in in advance, so that things will strike in their minds more quickly.Certain qoutable examples:(Remember EYES DONT SEE WHAT THE MIND DOES N'T)
1) Aspiration while feeding in head low position or if put down without burping
2)Swallowing tiny toys,tiny articles like small finger rings.(All children explore everything orally as research (especially crawling babies)
3)touching electrical wires espcialy if located at one or two feet above ground level.
4)hot rice congee, rasam, sambar, hot water ,not to be placed in the kitchen,just on the ground even for a second if there is a crawling child or or toddler in the house
5)All water containers should be covered with a lid.
6)Poisonous substances,agricultural chemicals,medicine used by elders dettol,phenyl detergents not to be placed at ground level
7) children's shoes must be physically examined for any poisonous insects before wearing them every day.
8)EVEN TROUSERS SHIRTS SCHOOL BAGS must be scrutinised everyday by the mother.
9)An adult should follow the child in another cycle &teach him what to do &what not to do in a busy place&point out the mistakes to avoid accidents.
10)SOME SCHOOL CHILDREN GO IN A ROW obstructing the entire breadth of the road.
Suddenly if a vehicle comes in front or behind they go helter scelter &sometimes the edge of the road is 6 inches at higher level.The cyclist is unable to get above the road resulting in skid &fall.If there is a speeding heavy vehicle from behind,an accident becomes unavoidable.I have seen a similar kind of tragedy where a young college girl died near MANI HOSPITAL,THENI TAMIL NADU.WEARING HELMET ALONE IS NOT GOING TO HELP THIS KIND OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT.
11)Examine school environement .Find out if there is any thing that can cause danger to children(your child is studying there!)(one 3 year old died inside school where there was a slushy pond by getting drowned as if in quick sand at choolaimedu chennai.
12)Dont allow children to swimming pool,big wells, lakes,without proper care taker.Beware of snakes if there are bushes around house.
13)where ever possible make improvisations to prevent& protect from a fall(eg;putting small doors near stair case.)
14)Never leave child alone.He may lock himself or or shove his head inside a small iron ring.Automatic locking doors may be risky.
15)All pets may be problamatic.Any dog bite can potentially cause rabies,for which there is no treatment.
16)Lock the car doors carefully.Ensure your childs fingers are safe lest they get crushed!
17)children are prone to get injuries at,fore head,teeth,chin,elbows knees,specially while learning cycling.
18)When there are lot of guests &you are busy ,have an eye on your toddler.He could fall down from second floor or get drowned in the water tank or get kidnapped.I have seen all these happening.
19)Taking wife & children as pillion riders in two wheelers is highly risky.
1) Aspiration while feeding in head low position or if put down without burping
2)Swallowing tiny toys,tiny articles like small finger rings.(All children explore everything orally as research (especially crawling babies)
3)touching electrical wires espcialy if located at one or two feet above ground level.
4)hot rice congee, rasam, sambar, hot water ,not to be placed in the kitchen,just on the ground even for a second if there is a crawling child or or toddler in the house
5)All water containers should be covered with a lid.
6)Poisonous substances,agricultural chemicals,medicine used by elders dettol,phenyl detergents not to be placed at ground level
7) children's shoes must be physically examined for any poisonous insects before wearing them every day.
8)EVEN TROUSERS SHIRTS SCHOOL BAGS must be scrutinised everyday by the mother.
9)An adult should follow the child in another cycle &teach him what to do &what not to do in a busy place&point out the mistakes to avoid accidents.
10)SOME SCHOOL CHILDREN GO IN A ROW obstructing the entire breadth of the road.
Suddenly if a vehicle comes in front or behind they go helter scelter &sometimes the edge of the road is 6 inches at higher level.The cyclist is unable to get above the road resulting in skid &fall.If there is a speeding heavy vehicle from behind,an accident becomes unavoidable.I have seen a similar kind of tragedy where a young college girl died near MANI HOSPITAL,THENI TAMIL NADU.WEARING HELMET ALONE IS NOT GOING TO HELP THIS KIND OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT.
11)Examine school environement .Find out if there is any thing that can cause danger to children(your child is studying there!)(one 3 year old died inside school where there was a slushy pond by getting drowned as if in quick sand at choolaimedu chennai.
12)Dont allow children to swimming pool,big wells, lakes,without proper care taker.Beware of snakes if there are bushes around house.
13)where ever possible make improvisations to prevent& protect from a fall(eg;putting small doors near stair case.)
14)Never leave child alone.He may lock himself or or shove his head inside a small iron ring.Automatic locking doors may be risky.
15)All pets may be problamatic.Any dog bite can potentially cause rabies,for which there is no treatment.
16)Lock the car doors carefully.Ensure your childs fingers are safe lest they get crushed!
17)children are prone to get injuries at,fore head,teeth,chin,elbows knees,specially while learning cycling.
18)When there are lot of guests &you are busy ,have an eye on your toddler.He could fall down from second floor or get drowned in the water tank or get kidnapped.I have seen all these happening.
19)Taking wife & children as pillion riders in two wheelers is highly risky.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
2)Get your doctor to do a monthly medicalinspectionof the childs residential environement&attend well baby clinic if available.
3)All immunisation shots are essential as per scedule.
4)pox lesions &other viral infections are common around april.Hence get vaccination shots appropriately early.5)diarrhoea is more common in april as the fly population is higher during the fruit season.
6)best way to prevevent carries tooth is:wash the mouth, mouthgargle after eating sweets ice creams.Remove non veg particles immediately after food from teeth
7)Family as a whole should have Anti-worm treatment once every 6 months
8)TEACH CHILDREN SOMETHING DAILY FOR 5-10 MINUTES WITH AN AGENDA before dinner including prevention of accidents while cycling.
9)beware of your childrens friends circle&spy on them if there is unsatisfactory behaviour or any kind of suspicion
10)if the academic performance is low,consult doctor &teacher immediately.
2)Get your doctor to do a monthly medicalinspectionof the childs residential environement&attend well baby clinic if available.
3)All immunisation shots are essential as per scedule.
4)pox lesions &other viral infections are common around april.Hence get vaccination shots appropriately early.5)diarrhoea is more common in april as the fly population is higher during the fruit season.
6)best way to prevevent carries tooth is:wash the mouth, mouthgargle after eating sweets ice creams.Remove non veg particles immediately after food from teeth
7)Family as a whole should have Anti-worm treatment once every 6 months
8)TEACH CHILDREN SOMETHING DAILY FOR 5-10 MINUTES WITH AN AGENDA before dinner including prevention of accidents while cycling.
9)beware of your childrens friends circle&spy on them if there is unsatisfactory behaviour or any kind of suspicion
10)if the academic performance is low,consult doctor &teacher immediately.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Breast milk is for the baby& cow's milk is for the calves.This is an old dictum &it holds true even for today.Gone are those days when we use to suppliment breast milk with cow's or bafallow's milk.We didnot realise those days that cow's milk has harmful properties until scientific data started pouring in much against cow's mailk &various scientific studies indicated when comparative studies between breast milk alone fed babies &cow's milk alone fed babies were available;the former group had fewer problems than the latter group.
For the knowledge of parents for both for the sake of their children&for themselves too.Cow's milk is blamed for producing many untoward side effects to children.Tho(ugh they are not highlighted for the sake of doing so the facts have been proven beyond doubts&published in the medical journals atleast 3 decades back itself.&achnowledged by busy,leading pediatritians.
1)LACTOSE INTOLERANCE:Causing diarrheal disorders(A 9 month old child weighing 5 kg reporteed for diarrhoea of 9 month durationShe was diagnosed as lactose intolerance& treated accordinglyShe became asymptomatic within 15 days.
2)cow's milk protien can cause allergy in any form like itching &varius unexplained discomforts.
3)asthma in children.
4)juvenile delinquency.more in cows milk alone fed babies(childhood criminals)
5)cow's milk protien - induced enteropathy;bowel disorders like pain abdomen,diarrhoea(different from sugar intolerance)
6)low academic achievements,in school.
7)one of the alleged cause for minimal brain dysfunctional syndrome
8)can cause frequent unexplained vomitings.
9)urticarial reaction.-bleed-like under the skin
10)can cause joint disability,pain like juvenile rhumatoid arthritis
For the knowledge of parents for both for the sake of their children&for themselves too.Cow's milk is blamed for producing many untoward side effects to children.Tho(ugh they are not highlighted for the sake of doing so the facts have been proven beyond doubts&published in the medical journals atleast 3 decades back itself.&achnowledged by busy,leading pediatritians.
1)LACTOSE INTOLERANCE:Causing diarrheal disorders(A 9 month old child weighing 5 kg reporteed for diarrhoea of 9 month durationShe was diagnosed as lactose intolerance& treated accordinglyShe became asymptomatic within 15 days.
2)cow's milk protien can cause allergy in any form like itching &varius unexplained discomforts.
3)asthma in children.
4)juvenile delinquency.more in cows milk alone fed babies(childhood criminals)
5)cow's milk protien - induced enteropathy;bowel disorders like pain abdomen,diarrhoea(different from sugar intolerance)
6)low academic achievements,in school.
7)one of the alleged cause for minimal brain dysfunctional syndrome
8)can cause frequent unexplained vomitings.
9)urticarial reaction.-bleed-like under the skin
10)can cause joint disability,pain like juvenile rhumatoid arthritis
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