Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Rabies. New treatment

For scientific research

Tissue burning at the site of dog bite at the earliest may be a new treatment for the prevention of rabies.this is an idea given for scientific research for young scientists
Contact 9841354335.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Acid peptic disease-----continued

Dos cows milk( coffee,tea)2frequent meals. Like biscuits 3hrly. 3 .stomach should never be empty for more than 6hrs4.avoid taking hot or cold drinks.5no alcohol. 6 no tobacco. 7.antacids. Digene   2 three times when there is skipping of breakfast. Very important.

Specific drugs. Therapuetics.
1.digene genusil 2'. 3 times. For 2weeks.2.non spicy diet  2weeks.3hrly small salads,Koozh, buttermilk.3omiprazole or pentaprazole . One at 5am(empty stomach) for 3--6 months--physicians choice.4domstal 10mg usually in the evenings, if there is nausea, vomiting, regurgitations.5. Biscuits bread no spicy food in the evening if there is appetite6. Nor maxim to counteract psychological symptoms.7. Algenic  acid. REFLUX very helpful when there is frequent gastro oesophageal reflex.
8cyclopam physicians choice for uncontrollable pain abdomen after ruling out surgical cause of pain
A good life long project is available for youngsters free of cost for a new concept
Contact98 41 35 43 35.

Heart attack

Heart gets its nutrition &oxygenthrough coronary age advancesthqqe inner diameter of the blood vessel(artery) keeps decreasing  question to fat(cholesterol deposition. After a critical period there is a complete block in one or two or three vessels.when this occurs sufficient oxygen supply does not reach  the heart muscle leading to stoppage of Herat muscle contraction,relaxation.the reaction is such the whole heart muscle stops functioning.this is a heart attach the same thing if if it occurs in brain it is called  cerebral stroke,by giving a dc shock(defibrillation) the heart can be made to function as before.inj.streptokinase is to be given preferably within 4hours,helps a lot(costs rose 10000).given intra musculaly/intra coronary vessel only by cardiologist,while doing coronary bye pass surgery the heart is stopped by defibrillator as the vessel suturing so difficult in a beating heart
N) defibrillation given to restart the heart. Some surgeons do bye pass in a beating heart(moot hospital chennai).        Contact 9841354335. Drslvarajp@yahoo,com

Monday, July 27, 2015

Acid peptic disease

This is a disease of stomach &first part of small intestine due to increased secretion of hydro caloric acid ,acting on mucous membrane causin erosion, later ulcer, perforation if untreated. Cause pain vomiting burning sense behind chest bone frequent regurgitation of food(stro oesaphagial reflux disease)                  This is a 100 percent medically manageable disease within a couple of months.50 years back there were thousands of gast4ectomies &gastro jejunostamies done through out the country.but compylobacter, helicobacter or drugs that revolutionised were not discovered.

Now the tr3atment is so simple .many don't go to the doctor.they depend on counter medicines in drug stores!many don't follow medical advice properly. This is a psycho somatic illness.the most important thing  in this issue is diet, diet &diet first.                                                                                
Following dos &Adonis may help affected people

Use of green chillies.
All spices   Including red chillies
Hotel meals( specially spicy food)
Oily food like poorest ,soups
Very sweet foods.--3-4 bulb jamoons
Any fruits. Specially citrus fruits
All fruits contain acids
Taking frequent avoidable medicines

Ulcer formation.when HCL is more than alkali in stomach it starts eroding the the wall of the stomach

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Friday, July 24, 2015


This is nothing but electrical stimulation of the hart to beat when it has stopped due to any reason,by a scientifically disigned machine,that will deliver exact joules of electricity(720),according to ad
Ge disease etc. the machine is available in surgical/electrical stores.pediatric defibrillator is a special machine, that will deliver low joules of electricity(7to14)

When an aged adult are any human being whose heart has stopped due to hart attach cannot be revived,unless  defibrillator is putting to use.From time immemorial,medical curriculum teachers to practice C P R(cardiopulmonary rescisitation) the author must have have tried several hundreds of car whith out single success.should we still practice this! Will the medical curriculum educationists put an end to it! 

iN the final MBBS there is class for this topic in all the medical colleges in the world does this serve any purpose?
