Sunday, November 25, 2007
Is it a must?. There are eight important bood biochemical&electrophoretic teststhat are recomended by scientists to detectearly abnormality if any.
They areas follows:
1)Congenital hypothyroidism.
5)BIOTINIDASE deficiency.
6)Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
7)cystic fibrosis
8)Maplesyrup urine disease.
The most important of all the test is the first one. T3 T4 TSH.Thyroxine is a hormone essential for all round growth &developementespesially the brain.Baby born with thyroid deficiency, will suffer from mental redardation permanently if not recognised early &treated.Treatment of all eight defects if detected is life long.A 2 Yr old with hypothyroidism will suffer from severe brain damage as the brain developement is fastest at age 2.Further developement is based on the foundations only.Even if this child is treated at age 2 till age 5 the brain developement of the 5 Yr.old will be that of 3 yr old normal childONLY.It can not catch up &will be 2-3 yrs behind allways in academic performance.
2)G A L E C T O C A E M I A:
Breast milk contains galactose(sugar)THIS CAN NOT BE SPLIT &DIGESTED by those who have no enzyme galectAse SO THERE IS unsplit galectose circulating in the blood causing a diarrheal disoder(sugar intolerance) ALL other biochemical disorders will cause all round defective growth &developement,physical motor, & mental milestones in the unfortunate children. Any question & further details can be had through my E mail Id
C E R T A I N--D O S--& D O N T S.I N I N F A N C Y:
1)Never give a purgative-including native drugs
2)DONT make anal dilatations if child does not pass (poop)FOR one day.
3)Dont yield to superstitious habits.
4)Modern medicine treatment is essential for all suspected pox lesions(fever+rash+skineruptions)
5)when child developes diarrhoea,stop all milks sweets,electrolytes.consult doctor.
6)dont resort to self medication for baby's fever.Give tepid sponging continuously &consult doctor telephonically.
7)Avoid multiple immunisations on same day even if recomended by doctor.
8)Beware of malaria at all age groups in india.Try all anti mosquito prophylaxis(remember a mosqiuto bite can cause 50,differant type of fevers--diseases!
9)Dont use seekaikai powder(soap nut powder)for scalp wash even for adults as it is the most powerful respiratoryALLERGEN&can cause severe asthma. (common practice in India)
10)NEVER FEED when baby is in lying position.(aspiration chances more)
11)measure head circumferance periodicallyupto age 5.
12)vision for refractive error&hearing test,necessary to all school children at periodic interval or if their academic performance falls below average in the class.
13)Road to health chart to be maintained in order to detect obesity earlier.(there is no more under nutrition nowadays)
14)Hare lip cleft palate babies not to be operated at birth.
15)congenital talepes equinovarus(club foot)can be treated withoutsurgery,if strapping/pop done in the neonatal stage (first week)itself.
16)Minimum polio drops requirement at age one--8doses
WHAT are the immediate health problems a new born baby may be exposed?
Medical :
jaundice.MAJORITY DUE TOphysiological if it is after day 3.or due to blood group incompatibility(Rh negative mother&Rh positive babyif it is within 24 hrs after birth.
2)Anaemia .Occurs due to any cause that destroys R B CS or due to maternal or foetal blood loss.
3)Fits.Usually neonatal tetanus.Other cause like intracranial haemorrhage,or metabolic disorders& infection.
4)Meconium ileus syndrome.Can be managed medically&sometimes surgically.There is severe obstruction due to jamming of gum like meconium inside the bowels. child may maynot pass meconium+vomiting
5)Not passing urine stools in the first 24-48 hrs.
6)Anorectal anamaly. If there is no anus surgery is the treatment of choice,after x-ray in the judgement of solomen's position(upside down)
7)Bleeding,/nose/gum/lungs/other sites,due to coagulation defect (FACTOR
defficiency/platlets defficiency.
8)Breast engorgement:Can occur inboth sexes,duetomaternal estrogen circulaating in neonate's
blood.Village vaidhyas&grand p arents usually squeeze it &take the "milk" out of it.There were many instances of development of septicaemias& deathdue to this practice.
9)beedding P. V .--DUE TO maternal estrogen circulation.Treatment:Leave it alone.
10)congenital heart disease. cyanotic (blue baby) Needs surgery.Acyanotics also needsurgery
often.mortality &morbidity high.Parental management is diffcult.
1)HARE-LIP,CLEFT PALATE-maxillo facial/plasticsurgery.
tracheo esophagial fistula
3)ddiaphramatic hernia.
4congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
5)Meconium ileus syndrome.
6)anorectal anamaly
8)Ventriculo peritonealshunt surgeryfor hydro cephalus.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
How to Avoid the Evils of Trans Fats

Beware trans fats! If you've heard the warning but aren't sure what you're supposed to do about it, here are answers:
What are trans fats?
Trans fats are unsaturated fatty acids that have been transformed to a more saturated state through a process called hydrogenation. Manufacturers add hydrogen molecules to the unsaturated fatty acids in liquid vegetable oils to make the oil more solid and increase the shelf life of certain foods.
Why all the fuss?
Trans fat acts much like saturated fat in the body – maybe worse. Studies have shown that consuming trans fat:
- Increases LDL-cholesterol – that's the bad type of cholesterol that causes plaque deposits in the arteries and ultimately increases risk of cardiovascular disease. Trans fat consumption also reduces the particle size of the LDL molecules, making them more damaging to the arteries.
- Decreases HDL-cholesterol – that's the good type of cholesterol.
- Promotes the inflammatory response – this is an overstimulation of the immune system that has been implicated in heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.
- May increase risk of diabetes - there is scientific evidence which suggests that trans fat consumption can lead to insulin resistance and ultimately increase your risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
How much trans fat is too much?
From a nutritional standpoint, trans fats provide no apparent benefit and can be potentially harmful. The American Heart Association recommends that trans fat consumption be less than 1% of total daily calories (about 2 grams a day if based on a 2000 calorie per day diet), but optimally trans fats should be completely avoided.
3 tips to knock toxic trans fat out of your life:
- Read nutrition labels and stick to products that say they have zero grams of trans fat. Then check the ingredients; if you notice "partially hydrogenated oil" listed, put the product back on the shelf. These products may have up to .5 grams (FDA allows a product to say zero grams if it contains .5 or less). If you must buy a product with hydrogenated oil, be extra careful to only eat one serving – eat multiple portions and you're consuming more trans fat.
- Use olive or canola oil when cooking at home rather than stick margarine.
- When dining out, avoid fried foods.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Servicers Offered:
- Medical consultaion for children at my clinic at Koyemded, Chennai. (For contact information pls refer to my profile)
- 24 hour service available for pre-registered families
- Immunization for children and adults
- Special shots(vaccinations) for precious babies.
- General medicine consultation for adults.
- Special advice on diet for high B.P, Diabetes, heart ailments and obesity
- All investigation facilities like blood , E.C.G, C.T Scan, USG Abdomen at lightening speed.
- Health insurance scheme facilities.
- In-house visit available.
- Photograps of rare and interesting cases treated and cured by me.
- Special experience in newborn babies and low birth weight babies.
- Many child raising advices given like :
All About Myself---1

E-MAIL I D. (phone9841354335)
Childhood Achievements:
- First prize - all india level drawing competition for under 12 year old children. Signed by president of india Dr.Rajendra Prasad, 1951.
- Proficient in ring tennis champ; athelitics district level junior champion over 20 winner certificates.
- English oratorical contest - firstprize while in fourth form, for the students of IV, V, VI forms.
- First prize - Tamil manavar mandram exam.
- Madras Medical College - Volleyball team captain, and Madras University Player.
- Boy Scout in school& sreved as security to Mr Jawaharlal nehru; NNC cadet in Madras Medical College(Earned C Certificate).
IndianARMY-6yrs.civil service-10yrs.MALAYSIAN MEDICALSERVICE(Professor)3yrs
PRIVATE-23 YRS--Total-42years.Served in major 600bed hospitals(CSIHOSPITAL)
VIJAYA,M I O T HOSPITALS AS Headof the department.Contributed over 30 articles in
medical literature.
Titles of some of my papers published.
1)Congenital malaria in twins
3)Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy with polydactyly syndrome.
4)Nursery epidemics-newconcept in prophylactic management.
5)Tetanus Neonatorum-unusual presentation
6)Bulbar polio myelitis
7)Agressive rehydration,in very severe dehydration over 20% with double venesection
(sucessfully treated 20 cases conecutively)
9)Neonatal resussitation 100% sucess -New approach.,in severely ill patients in a district hospital set up.
10)use of beclamethasone inhaler in neonates.
12)blood transfusion in suspected septicaemia
13)Immunisation -comments on todays practice(vaccine induced encephalopathies)
14)POISONOUS SNAKE BITES management with new concept.
15)Rabies-identification early ;prophylaxis.
16)rabies presented as status asthmaticus.
17)MECONIUM ILEUS SYNDROME-decieving presentation
18)NEWborn-examination for beginers.
19)NEONATAL sugar intolerance.
20)ORS in pediatrics(inter national journal of medicicinetoday)2oo7
21)cranial cysticercosis in peadiatrics.
22)'Osgood Shlatter' disease
23)'4 to 8 PM Syndrome'OR Sleep disturbed baby syndome in peadiatrics (Under publication).
Special Government Training courses attended :(G.H. Chennai)
1. Blood transfusion (King institue guindy chennai).
2.Family planning operations
Passed account test for executive officers.(govt.exam)
Pariticipation in conferences :
1.Indian Academy of Pediatrics conference ; won awards
2.Various symposia debates conferences held by Indian medical Association
3.Atrial septal operation for cardio myopathy (only one &; world's first of its kind , conducted on MR.Murasoli Maran Minister, Central Govt India at Appollo hospital Chennai.)
4.Ultra sonology training course conducted by IMA, CMC Vellore.
5.Delivered lectures to doctors through indian medical association.
7)SERVICES offered by me in private hospitals
a)all pediatric cases-with special interest in new born babies
b)well versed in neonatal fesussitation technique-can garenty100% successfulrevival of newborn
at delivery room
c)can give self modified treatment for dying or almost dying cases(thogh it is self devised-it is theoritically acceptable,when there is no other better choice available)
d)second medical openion when thereis doubt about the first diagnosis